Customer Service the Old-Fashioned Way Customer Service the Old-Fashioned Way
Customer Service the Old-Fashioned Way

Human Resource Challenges for 2013Did you ever wonder what happened to customer service? Sometimes I think I'll go crazy the next time I receive one of those automatic-response emails or hear, "Dial one for technical services, dial two for international queries..." Where did all the human beings go? There are more people than ever inhabiting this planet. More goods, more services, and you'd think surely more people working to help you out. What on earth happened?

With quickly evolving technologies and new industries sprouting like toadstools on an almost daily basis, maybe we can understand why service initially got swept under the rug. But no more. These days, there is so much choice. The big boys, the monopolies, are not as strong as they used to be. The words "boutique" and "micro" are what sell. Smaller companies that know they need to put a human, understanding face forward in order to survive. And the worst customer service offenders are finally learning that they are already and will be losing business because of their extremely lax policies. Finally the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way!

In the olden days...

A) Customer service was king. Always.

B) Customers were special. Maybe your butcher would set aside the choicest cuts for you without having to pre-order; or the owner of your favorite clothing boutique would greet you by name and give you a small discount; anything to make you feel important, cared for, looked after. We have all experienced service so great that price becomes less of a factor and we return... again and again. The best customer is a repeat customer.

Connect A to B, and you have a winning equation.

Experts are predicting a sweeping change in the business world. In the beginning, the Internet seemed like (and for a while really was) the ideal place to "get rich quick." We all know in our gut that for almost all of us, this will not happen. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and you will not get rich without putting in the work. What a concept!

How to (Re) Connect with your Customer
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Mark my words, the good ole days are indeed on their way back in. It's important that we all stay informed and stay on top of our game and "fall in love" with our customers again.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West