What Your Employees Really Want (It Might Not Be What You Think)
What Your Employees Really Want (It Might Not Be What You Think)

Corporate Legends - Your Culture WeaponForget more money and better benefits.

We think that is what people need, to which most managers and leaders say, "I can't give them more" or "That's out of my hands." The good news is those aren't the things that will move the needle.

A recent (February and March of 2012) CareerBuilder survey of 5,772 full time workers in many industries, found that 28 percent said the success benchmark would be earning $50,000 to $70,000. And 23 percent put that mark at less than $50,000.

For a tenth, success equals $150,000 or more.

And even if you think your people are different, consider this. After you get a raise, even if it is what you really want (like a new car), pretty soon that new wage (or car) is no longer a motivator--it is the new normal.

If you want to raise commitment, productivity and increase people's "work ethic" (that is worth a post on its own), think about these factors instead.

A reason why. People want to do work that matters. Help people see the big picture in their work. Connect their work (or help them connect it) to the larger, aspirational mission of your team or organization. This bigger picture will make a big difference.

Clear expectations.
We all want to know what is expected--what a target for success is. If expectations change, let people know--and engage them in that conversation. How can people meet your expectations if they don't know what they are? Do they know?

Relationship. People don't want to work for a paycheck, they want to work for and with people. That goes for you as their boss and their co-workers. How often do you share a kind word, give specific encouragement, or check in to see what they need? These mean more than you will ever know--unless you realize how much they matter from your boss.

Human beings are goal-oriented beings. Give people something to shoot for. When these targets are connected to the big "why," magic occurs.

Freedom. Even in the most process-oriented and procedurally focused jobs, there is room for personal approach. Give people some latitude within the framework. You will get higher levels of commitment, and likely process improvements too!

Input. Ask questions. Shut up. And listen. People have valuable perspectives. They want to share it. So ask for their input and value it.

Future. Help people see themselves in a future they desire--and help them get there. That future may or may not be the one you see them in, so you must ask. Then do what you can to support and encourage them to reach that future.

The best news about all of these? You have lots of influence over these, whether you are in the C-suite or a first line supervisor. How can you put more of these things into your employees' daily experiences? Ask yourself that question everyday--and take action on your answers. You will be amazed at the changes in attitude, performance, and outcomes.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West