4 Rules of Recruitment Advertising You Shouldn't Break
4 Rules of Recruitment Advertising You Shouldn't Break

4 Rules of Recruitment Advertising You Shouldn't BreakIn this day and age, there are countless ways to communicate with others--job seekers included. And an effective recruitment strategy will make use of a finely balanced mix of channels throughout the process. In the early stages of talent attraction, one way to get your company name and employer brand message in front of target candidates is through a recruitment ad that may feature a requisition you're trying to fill or a broader message on culture. But to see the best engagement, there are a few rules you must follow.

4 Recruitment Ad Strategies for Engagement Success

The recruitment ad strategies outlined below are actually quite relevant for any recruitment marketing technique. But with advertising, it's key to take the job seeker's perspective. Display ads may be seen as an annoyance to some, so it's critical to create and target them in a way that will elicit a response from ideal candidates.

  1. Hone in on the voice/personality of your organization. Aside from the fact that ads tend to follow you everywhere you go online, the Internet itself is totally congested and filled with clutter. When developing a recruitment ad for your company, you're not just trying to stand out from your competitors, but everything else that pops up on the Internet as well. This makes it incredibly important to have a voice that job seekers will recognize and relate to in the few seconds your ad is on the screen.

  2. Select appropriate channels and platforms. This is a no-brainer, but with all of the hype over Facebook advertising, it's something to note. Just as you would carefully research and select the best platform for your talent community, corporate blog, etc., you'll want to do the same with your recruitment ad. If your target audience is on Facebook, give it a whirl. But remember, search engine marketing and other platforms can also be big players in your strategy.

  3. Focus on more than career opportunities. While focusing your recruitment ad on a specific job opening isn't a terrible idea (especially if you're advertising on a job board or other job search-related site), don't miss the opportunity to showcase your employer brand to job seekers who may not be a fit for a particular role. By creating ads that represent your culture, you can target your recruitment ad at a larger group of candidates who will fit with your company--now or in the future.

  4. Constantly improve by analyzing metrics and making changes as necessary. Being strategic means taking the time to select appropriate metrics for the task at hand, analyzing results and making adjustments in the future. This is not a one-time thing, but an ongoing attempt to understand your recruitment marketing efforts, where they fall short and where they are successful. No more "post and pray" with your job postings or recruitment ads. Go where your target candidates are and tweak your placement, content, etc., as necessary.

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PrideStaff - Miami West