Want to Develop Better Employees? Learn to Delegate!


Want to Develop Better Employees? Learn to Delegate!


Want to Develop Better Employees? Learn to Delegate!

"Leaders who are strongest at delegation are those who are dedicated to using the tasks that come across their desks as development opportunities for others." -- Clemson Turregano

We often think of delegation as a time-management tool. It's true that effective delegation allows you to get more done, but delegation can also be used as a tool for developing employees. However, to see the development benefits of delegation, you must take a strategic approach, rather than simply offloading tasks you don't enjoy. When you delegate strategically, the people who receive the work are more fulfilled and productive, and ultimately, you too will become more fulfilled and productive as you learn to count on your team members.

The Benefits of Strategic Delegation

People who have work delegated to them feel more engaged and report higher levels of job satisfaction. Why? Because they feel challenged by new opportunities, and they know their boss trusts them and sees real potential in them.

Delegation can help develop high performers in other ways, including:

  • Building new skill sets
  • Increasing their productivity
  • Renewing their sense of motivation
  • Helping them feel more connected to their role and to the organization

Tips For Developmental Delegation

Effective delegation is about more than just assigning tasks to new people. Use these strategies to leverage delegation for development:

  • Match the right employee to the right assignment. Choose someone who is ready, interested in learning and can effectively balance the added workload.
  • Be willing to step back. Assign the work, provide the tools to complete it, then give them the autonomy to get it done.
  • Be accessible. Make it clear, however, that your door is open for questions or concerns as they work through the task.
  • Show them your tips and tricks. Set the employee up for success by sharing the best practices you've learned.
  • Set clear goals and deadlines. Provide all details in advance, including the deadline. The first time, set a milestone deadline for the halfway point to check progress without micromanaging.
  • Provide feedback. After the work is turned in, sit down and talk about what they did well, where they may have taken a wrong turn, and allow them to ask questions or provide their feedback, as well.
  • Recognize achievement. Let the team know how well the delegate is doing. This shows you value the work, and it reflects well on you as a manager. It may also inspire others to step up and ask for new tasks, as well.

Instead of delegating for time, try delegating for development and see how your employees blossom knowing you trust them with new responsibilities.

Looking For More Advice?

For more strategies on how to improve employee performance and your bottom line, reach out to the experts a PrideStaff today!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West