Authenticity in a Leader: How Being Authentic Can Impact Your Success
Authenticity in a Leader: How Being Authentic Can Impact Your Success

Authenticity in a Leader: How Being Authentic Can Impact Your Success
The word "authentic" is of Greek origin, meaning one who accomplishes. Webster defines authenticity as "fidelity, actuality and fact, compatibility with a certain source or origin, accordance with usage or tradition, a complete sincerity without feigning or hypocrisy." However, a dictionary definition hardly reveals anything about the word's complexity in the philosophical sense.

Authenticity, like any other thought, carries baggage. The term's meaning and multiple interpretations provide a foundation but still limit its complete definition. Add the idea of leadership being authentic, that's just a whole other can of worms.

In a book called "Authentic Leadership: Courage in Action" written by Bob Terry, he wrote "Authenticity is knowing, and acting on, what is true and real inside yourself, your team and your organization AND knowing and acting on what is true and real in the world. It is not enough to walk one's talk if one is headed off, or leading one's organization, community or nation, off a cliff!"

Let's all be honest with ourselves, the thought of being a leader is very appealing to the ego. However, the reality of being an authentic leader implies death to your ego. Why? Because being authentic means that you care so much about a purpose, a principle, and a goal, that you're willing to make big sacrifices just so you can reach what you wish to accomplish. Being an authentic leader means that you care so much about others also being able to reach that goal that you, without any question, sacrifice your own peace of mind so you can watch them succeed. Being an authentic leader really means that you have little to no choice left because you realize that "it's up to me" without any doubt.

What is it that makes an authentic leader? Find a balance for all of these qualities. Stick to your guns and remain true to what you want to achieve.

So how do all of these impact success? For one thing, it creates a very honest leader, one who's transparent that no one questions your decisions, not out of fear but out of respect and belief for all you've achieved. This in turn creates a solid support system that is easy to manage and great to work with.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West