Maximize Your Workplace...By Doing Less?


Maximize Your Workplace...By Doing Less?


Maximize Your Workplace...By Doing Less?

The effects of burnout are real. Nearly 77% of business leaders have reported feeling burned out at work at least some of the time. By staffing up, hiring the right people and delegating tasks strategically, key organizational players -- including you -- would feel less stress while freeing up time to focus on strategic initiatives. Use these tips to work smarter, not harder so everyone can accomplish more.

What Can Be Delegated?

The key to delegation involves understanding your strengths and weaknesses -- and knowing which tasks can be strategically offloaded. Start with tasks that you aren't good at doing, and that someone else can do better. Next, delegate tasks that deplete energy and time. Finally, delegate tasks that can be done by someone who is looking to build their skill set. Delegation can be a great tool for helping talented employees take on more responsibility.

How to Delegate Effectively

People avoid delegation because it takes a lot of effort up front. However, it is worth it to put in that upfront work because the results will pay dividends by helping everyone achieve more. To delegate effectively:

  • Choose people who instill complete confidence.
  • Clearly define the responsibility.
  • Take the time to train, answer questions and set check-ins to monitor progress.
  • Set clear deadlines.
  • Let the employee know you believe in their abilities -- and you appreciate their willingness to step up.
  • After the task is completed, provide specific feedback so they know what they did well and how they can improve the next time around.

The first few times someone tackles a delegated task, there will be some hiccups. Act as a resource and coach, and once the person has the task down pat, let them spread their wings and make that job their own.

The Key to Strategic Delegation

Delegation only works if you get the right people involved. It means knowing your own strengths and weaknesses as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your team members. Having the right people in place -- people who are not only skilled, but who are also teachable and coachable -- is what makes delegation work.

If you're ready to staff up and build a team of A-players who can help free you and your management team to focus on strategic initiatives, partner with a true staffing and recruiting expert. The team at PrideStaff will help you put the right people in the right seats to see your corporate vision through and achieve your goals. Contact us today to get started.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West