Top Talent Is Available Now. Here's How To Land Them


Top Talent Is Available Now. Here's How To Land Them


Top Talent Is Available Now. Here's How To Land Them

The pandemic has created job loss and economic strain the likes of which most American businesses have never experienced before. And while it is tempting to think short-term under these circumstances, companies that think long-term will thrive on the other side. The fact that tens of millions of Americans are out of work is tragic, but it also creates an opportunity for your business. There is A-level talent in the job market right now who has not been looking for a job in many years. Now is the time to scoop up these high performers to help drive your company into the recovery.

Pay Close Attention to News In Your Niche

Stay plugged in to learn which companies in your industry are scaling back. You may be able to recruit top talent from a competitor that is paring down staff. Don't focus only on laid-off or furloughed employees -- also strike up conversations and build relationships with people who are still working but may be worried about the future of their company due to layoffs in other departments.

Check In On Passive Candidates

Now is a great time to build or rebuild strong relationships with passive talent. You never know whose situation may have changed in 2020, and it's wise to reach out to your database and see if some of your most ideal passive candidates are ready to make a move.

Advertise Remote Opportunities

You may be in a hurry to get everyone back in the office, but remote work may be the preferred or only option for many top candidates. That's why it's important to make remote positions clear in the job posting so there are not any questions in the candidate's mind.

Move Quickly

You may think you can afford to hire slowly with unemployment being so high, but top talent can afford to be choosy, no matter the economic conditions. You must be prepared to move quickly through the recruiting and hiring process so a competitor does not poach your top candidate.

Pay Well

Everyone is concerned about the future but now is not the time to short-change potential new employees with lowball salary offers. Remember, top talent can still be choosy, and they will not accept a job that pays far beneath their value.

Partner With a Recruiting Expert

The expert recruiters of PrideStaff can help you attract and hire exceptional talent right now. To ensure fit, we document job profiles, interview current employees, conduct job shadowing analysis and administer benchmarking evaluations. Then, we source and validate talent around your key requirements. Only candidates who meet or exceed those requirements are referred for final consideration and assessment. Contact PrideStaff today to connect with exceptional talent.

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PrideStaff - Miami West