Better Hiring Practices for a Better Year Ahead


Better Hiring Practices for a Better Year Ahead


Better Hiring Practices for a Better Year Ahead

Does your company struggle when it comes to efficient, effective recruiting and hiring? You're not alone -- but you can make 2020 your best year ever for hiring. Use these strategies to improve your recruiting and hiring processes and access the right person for the job, every time.

Be Realistic With Requirements

It's tempting to create a long list of must-have skills and qualifications for a role. However, if you are too rigid, you could miss out on a great candidate. Decide which skills are actually non-negotiable and which skills you can be more flexible with. Remember, skills can always be taught, so don't write off a candidate who might lack one or two non-critical skills.

Use Culture to Your Advantage

Job seekers do care about company culture and they will research your culture before deciding to apply and throughout the hiring process. If you have a healthy and vibrant culture, showcase it during the recruiting and hiring process.

Plan Ahead

For many companies, recruiting and hiring are responses to change like an increase in demand, someone leaving the company, opening a new location, etc. This reactionary approach is why so many companies struggle to make great hires.

With a proactive and strategic plan in place, recruiting becomes an ongoing process. Have each manager create updated job descriptions for every role on their team. Then, look at company goals and strategies for the upcoming year. Is growth a priority? Do you anticipate a large contract closing? Is a new product launching? Determine whether upcoming changes will require hiring and begin planning immediately for any staff augmentation or permanent hires that will be required to navigate the changes successfully.

Staff up Smartly

Increases in demand puts strain on a team. Many companies hire full-time employees to help with that demand, only to have to let people go when things settle back down. Look at your strategic plan and goals and identify times of the year you will potentially need to staff up. Consider working with temporary or contract workers during those times to save money while boosting productivity.

Build a Pipeline

Once a strategic plan is in place, you can take proactive measures to build a pipeline of candidates. These may be passive job seekers open to new full-time opportunities or they could be temporary and contract workers who would be available and valuable to your team throughout the year.

Develop a Staffing Partnership

Even if you take measures like these to improve your hiring processes, hiring great people can often feel like an uphill battle. Now is the ideal time to build a strategic partnership with an expert staffing firm that can help you craft better job descriptions, create a strategic plan, and build a talent pipeline.

If you are ready to improve your hiring processes and outcomes, contact the experts at PrideStaff today.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West