Virtual Hiring Is Here to Stay. How Can You Improve Your Strategy?


Virtual Hiring Is Here to Stay. How Can You Improve Your Strategy? 

COVID-19 forced employers to change the way they hire, but even after the pandemic is behind us, elements of virtual hiring will continue to be leveraged because remote strategies are convenient for both hiring managers and job seekers. Use these tips to make your process as effective as possible.

Reduce Applications From Unqualified Candidates

Thanks to an uncertain economy and remote-first work, some employers are experiencing an uptick in applications from underqualified people all around the country. Fielding too many applications adds to an already time-consuming process. You can streamline the resume review process by:

  • Using resume parsing. This technology allows you to electronically gather, store and organize the information contained in applications, making the data easily searchable.
  • Writing better job descriptions. Be direct about the job responsibilities and your requirements -- don't leave room for applicants to think they might get the job even if they don't meet the requirements. Also, be very clear about whether or not you want local-only candidates even for remote jobs.
  • Publishing your close date. Set a closing date for every job posting and stick to it. On the closing date, pull all of your ads and do not evaluate any stragglers that come in during the days that follow.
  • Maximizing your budget. Programmatic advertising lets you control spending by closing a job posting as soon as you receive a pre-set number of applications. This allows you to evaluate those applications and then move forward, or re-open the job if no one was a match.

Become An Expert Remote Interviewer

Even as we look to the future when social distancing is finally relaxed, it's highly likely businesses will continue remote interviewing. With the right tools and preparation, you can be effective from a distance.

  • Invest in reliable software. You want a user-friendly tool with crisp, clear sound and video. Also, send candidates a link to their interview several days prior so they have time to test it out.
  • Break the ice. Spend a few extra minutes breaking the ice and easing into the conversation to help everyone relax.
  • Stick to a structure. Use your usual questions, and if you are going to be interviewing with other members of your team, make sure everyone understands who is taking the lead so you aren't talking over one another.
  • Be flexible. There is often a lag or delay on video conferencing. Give candidates a beat to start answering before you assume they are struggling.
  • Have a plan B. Provide candidates with a dial-in number in case of an unforeseen technical failure so they can dial in quickly to continue the interview or reschedule the video call.

Does Your Remote Hiring Process Need A Boost?

If you're looking for ways to improve remote hiring, the staffing experts of PrideStaff are ready to help. Reach out to our team today to learn how we can help you streamline your process.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West