3 Key Traits Leaders Need for Success in 2021


3 Key Traits Leaders Need for Success in 2021

Very few people were sorry to say goodbye to the year 2020. However, it's important to remember that 2020 taught us many valuable lessons. That year, leaders had to focus on developing some critical soft skills to effectively lead their teams through crisis and uncertainty. As you think about where you want to go in 2021, build on what you learned last year and focus on these traits you'll need for success.

Willingness To Learn

Leadership is not a trait people are necessarily born with, it is typically learned and developed over time. That's why successful leaders stay focused on learning. This includes everything from new skills to simply learning from mistakes on the job.

It's not enough to be committed to learning. You must also demonstrate that willingness to learn to your employees, which models learning behaviors and sparks a development and growth mindset. When you make a mistake, acknowledge it and share what you learned. Deconstruct projects with your team to help everyone learn what went right and what went wrong. When providing (or receiving) feedback, focus on learning and growth opportunities, not merely on performance or results. Spend time reading and learning about your niche and developing your leadership skills, and share what you learn with your team.


Effective leaders are approachable. Their employees feel comfortable reaching out when they need help, support, have questions, concerns or need to send out a warning of impending trouble. Approachable leaders build strong relationships with their team members so that people will step up when they need 110% from the group.

You can improve your approachability by:

  • showing warmth, smiling and being easy to talk to;
  • avoiding overreactions to bad news;
  • thanking people for bringing information to you, whether good or bad;
  • being straightforward rather than dry or sarcastic; and
  • acting consistently to avoid being seen as moody or reactionary.

Leadership is getting the best in your people, and being approachable will help you draw the best out of your team.

Ability To Share Knowledge Openly

As the old adage says, knowledge is power, which is why some leaders are resistant to the idea of sharing knowledge with their employees. They'd prefer to keep it to themselves to maintain their power base. However, effective leaders lead with an abundance mindset -- the idea that knowledge should be shared.

You have accumulated a great deal of knowledge throughout your career. Teach people what you have learned, so they can develop into leaders themselves. You want to surround yourself with the best people, and that's easier to do when you share your training and knowledge.

Are You Building Your Team in 2021?

If you are looking to grow or enhance your team this year, partner with the experts at PrideStaff. Contact us to learn more about the ways we can help you access top talent, control recruiting costs and achieve your goals.


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PrideStaff - Miami West