Combating the Labor Shortage


Combating the Labor Shortage

Are you trying to find top talent in a tight labor market?

Welcome to 2022!

But when recruiting gets tough, the tough get creative. For many businesses, that means sourcing talent in innovative ways and doubling down on exceptional employment branding. Need some fresh ideas? Try these:

Tempt Passive Job Seekers

Passive candidates aren't actively looking for a job right now, but many of them are open to hearing about new opportunities. It's likely these individuals are satisfied with their position and perform well in it. In other words, precisely the kind of employees you'd like to have.

How can you locate and entice passive candidates? By visiting them, online and in person, where they like to spend time. Here are some places to look:

  • Facebook and LinkedIn groups related to your industry.
  • Professional association events.
  • Networking events and conferences.

Get Creative With Sourcing

Some individuals don't have jobs but also aren't looking...yet. For example, stay-at-home moms and those looking to retire aren't currently looking for employment. Still, you might be able to get their attention. Join parenthood or retirement-related groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social media channels, and get to know the crowd. Looking to hire Gen Z? Explore Snapchat, a social platform popular with that generation. Remember, sourcing candidates who aren't actively looking for work means focusing on building relationships. Plant the idea, and it may grow!

Build Your Employment Brand

Sourcing passive candidates by posting on social media has an added benefit: building your employment brand. With every interaction and view, you add to your reputation as an employer. Work to strengthen your brand by posting pictures and information that shows your organization is a great place to work. Consider creating posts like these:

  • community-building events;
  • volunteer work;
  • employee appreciation days;
  • candidate testimonials; and
  • videos or pictures of your workplace.

Partner with PrideStaff

It's a tough market, but staffing is our business. We know what motivates people to go to work, and partnering with us will help you find the best talent. As a top national staffing firm, PrideStaff can connect your business with skilled job seekers who want to work for you! To learn more, contact your local PrideStaff office today.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West