9 Easy Ways to Stay Happy and Motivated at Work
9 Easy Ways to Stay Happy and Motivated at Work

Following Your Career GPS: Recalculating to Keep Yourself on Track According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Charts from the American Time Use Survey, Americans between the ages of 24-54 with children work an average of 8.8 hours a day or 44 hours a week. Americans also have a terrible reputation of working more than any other culture, taking less vacation, and retiring later in life. Since we are spending more time at the office than on any other activity throughout the day, it would be unproductive to spend that time unhappy and unmotivated.

Below are 9 easy ways to stay happy and motivated at work:

1. A great week starts with just one word - routine! Create a positive, healthy routine at night and in the morning so you start your day off on the right foot every time. Get a good night's sleep so you wake up refreshed, go for a run or do some yoga, eat a protein-filled breakfast, and leave plenty of time for your commute to the office in case of unexpected delays.

2. Once at your desk, grab a cup of coffee or tea and make a realistic game plan for the day ahead of you. For example, if you are going to be tied up in meetings all day, it's not a good idea to try and squeeze other important tasks in between meetings or while on break. Both the meeting and task you are trying to finish will suffer.

3. If the creative juices are flowing, make sure to have plenty of water and snacks handy at your desk so you don't have to interrupt what you're working on. A tummy rumble can be very distracting and always seems to happen at the worst time. If the opposite has occurred and you've hit a road block, get up and walk around for a few minutes to get your blood flowing again. Grab a cup of tea, turn on some music, or get some fresh air. The distraction will help you forget you ever hit that invisible wall.

4. Keep learning and try to be flexible. Earn a certification related to your position, take a class at the local college, or attend a seminar so that you are always learning something new and keeping up with the latest industry trends. Remember to be flexible; change happens whether we like it or not, and it's usually best to go with the flow.

5. Volunteer! Volunteer to head up a charity event; helping those less fortunate is good for the soul and it's nice to spend time with co-workers outside of the office. You can also volunteer to take charge of a new project that's out of your comfort zone. Push your limits and get your adrenaline pumping; it might open the door to an unexpected opportunity.

6. Everyone knows that catching a bad attitude is as easy as catching a cold. So, avoid the office drama and surround yourself with people you like and trust. It's always nice to make a new friend; perhaps make it a point to take each new employee to lunch.

7. Decorate your cube or office with your favorite family photos and/or knick knacks. If you are going to spend approximately 8.8 hours a day at your desk, it should be comfortable and nice to look at. But, keep it organized as well. There are thousands of articles about the negative effects of clutter and disorganization; don't fall into that trap.

8. Focus on the positive, all the aspects of your job that you love. Not every job is perfect, and dwelling on the negative is emotionally draining, a waste of time, and affects those around you.

9. If you are given an hour lunch, take it even if you don't have anything to do. You can sit in your car and read, take a walk, or chat with friends. And as we know, Americans are terrible about taking vacations. Therefore, make it a point to use all your vacation days. You earned them and it's been proven that paid vacations rejuvenate employees.

How do you stay happy and motivated at work?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7773105

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PrideStaff - Miami West