Spring into Success: 5 Tips for Creating a Winning Career Plan



Yes, You Can Feel Happier At Work!

Do spring flowers emerging from the cold ground inspire thoughts of change in your life? Maybe it's time to dust off the career plans you put on hold last year and find a new opportunity! If the thought of a new job stirs hope and excitement in your heart, use these steps to put your budding career plan into action this spring.

Analyze your current position. Make a list of the duties and responsibilities of your current job. Do they match the original job description? Have you taken on more work that might qualify you for a promotion or another role?

Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest with yourself. Pinpoint the areas where you thrive and the areas that need development.

Find opportunities. Explore your industry using job boards, professional networks, and social connections. What opportunities are available for you? Do they match your qualifications? Are there certifications or skills you could develop to land a better job?

Set SMART Goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound. Setting SMART goals is a fantastic habit because it helps you create concrete plans that are easy to track and measure within a specific time. Examples of SMART goals include the following:

    • Spend 30 minutes every day this week looking for work.
    • Apply to 3 jobs for which you're qualified this month.
    • Complete the relevant certification for your next promotion this month.

Track progress. Put a date on the calendar to review your progress. Did you stay on track and meet your goal? If not, does your goal need to change? Track your progress to stay on course or adapt your plan to meet your new goal.

Looking to take the next step in your career?

PrideStaff's knowledgeable recruiters can help you assess your strengths and skills to help you find rewarding work in an industry you love. Contact your local PrideStaff office to launch your search for a better job.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West