Your Best Hire Might Not Have All the Skills Yet


Your Best Hire Might Not Have All the Skills Yet


Your Best Hire Might Not Have All the Skills Yet

If you are always holding out for the "perfect" candidate, you will be waiting forever. The fact is, someone who checks off every box on your skill wish list and has the personality to succeed within your culture is as mythical as a unicorn. The right person for the job is out there but you have to be willing to see a candidate as more than just their skill set. Instead of insisting on a candidate that doesn't need training, take a look at coachable, high-potential candidates.

Consider Cultural Alignment

Hiring for culture is equally important as hiring for skills. Arguably, it can be even more important because all the skills in the world won't matter if an employee is unhappy at your company or has a negative impact on your team.

Make sure to include questions about cultural alignment in every interview. Look for people whose values align with your company values and whose personality traits mirror those of successful people on your team.

Skills Can Be Taught -- Enthusiasm Can't

The fact of the matter is that skills can always be taught. If someone has basic or intermediate-level skills, you can coach them to an expert level. What you can't teach, however, is enthusiasm or passion for their job. One coachable, passionate employee is far more effective than a skilled employee who is bored and disengaged with their work.

If you interview someone who has genuine enthusiasm for the job and what they do, and if they are culturally aligned, don't discount them because they lack a few skills. That person could be exactly what you need on your team.

Help Them Build Their Sills

Passionate, aligned candidates will be eager to start making valuable contributions once they begin working. Support them in their desire to do well -- and ensure they develop the right skills -- by investing in their training from day one. This could mean customizing your onboarding process to include on-the-job training or even sending them to a class or two to build their skills.

If you require certifications that a candidate doesn't have yet, hire them on a probationary basis and support them as they prepare for their exam. Showing new employees you care about their development will help build loyalty -- and it will ensure they develop their skills quickly.

Are You Looking for an All-Star Candidate?

In today's market, overlooking candidates who don't meet all requirements limits your talent pool. By instead hiring candidates who are passionate, coachable and eager to learn, you'll broaden your pool and shorten your time to hire. These candidates might even end up being some of your best hires.

For more strategies on improving your hiring process to find the right person for the job, reach out to the experts at PrideStaff today!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West