How Can You Get Your Job Back?


How Can You Get Your Job Back?


How Can You Get Your Job Back?

If you have quit your job and realized you made a mistake, it is possible to get rehired. Believe it or not, it is also possible to get rehired if you have been terminated. Nothing is guaranteed, but here is advice on how to determine whether the door is still open with a former employer.

Is It Worth the Effort?

Before making a knee-jerk decision, take time to think about whether you should ask for your job back. If you quit, you did so for a reason. Odds are high the reason still exists -- the manager you didn't like is still there, the culture is still toxic, the pay is still too low, etc. Make a written list of the reasons you left and the benefits of going back. If the pros outweigh the cons, consider asking for your job back.

If you were let go, do not assume all is lost. Unless you were fired for something egregious, you could be rehired. Many people believe in second chances, and it could be possible to be hired under a different manager, in a different department or in a new role entirely.

Will the Company Rehire You?

If you've decided that it is worth it to ask for your job back, call human resources and find out what the policy is for rehiring former employees and ask if your job is still open. Some companies require a waiting period before you can reapply, or the job may already be filled.

How to Ask for Your Job Back

Here are some strategies you can use to ask for your job back, if you have determined it is worth the effort.

  • Request an in-person meeting: Email your former supervisor and request an in-person meeting. Let them know you would love to talk about returning to your former job, if they'd be willing to take you.

  • Be prepared for an uncomfortable conversation: You will need to be ready to talk about the reasons why you quit or were terminated, why you want your job back and why the company should rehire you. You need to be convincing and give compelling reasons to be given a second chance.

  • Apply for other jobs: You can also apply for other jobs within the company -- which may be your only option if your former job has been filled. There may be an opening that is an even better fit.

Move Forward, Not Backward

Going back to your old job may not be an option -- nor the best choice for you. If you are unhappy with your new job or you cannot find a new job after being let go, you still have plenty of viable options outside of returning to a former employer.

If you're looking for a better job at a great company, partner with PrideStaff and you'll can always have a career waiting for you, instead of going back to a job you hated. Contact us today to learn more.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West