10 Ways to Become a More Confident Person


10 Ways to Become a More Confident Person

By: switchandshift.com

10 Ways to Become a More Confident Person

We all have two lives -- the life we live and the life we want. In the latter, we imagine an idealized version of ourselves; swaggering through life with a powerful, self-assured confidence. But life is never quite so simple.

It's almost certain that there'll be times when you lack confidence and don't feel good about yourself -- you're only human, after all. The problem with thinking negatively about ourselves is that we start to behave as if it's true, avoiding situations where we feel vulnerable or useless. This often leads to missing out on activities and social events we'd otherwise like to participate in -- preventing us from realizing our potential and leading happier, more fulfilling lives.

If you're keen on boosting your confidence -- there's good news: like any other skill, confidence can be built and improved upon. In '10 Ways to Become a More Confident Person' -- the latest infographic from Vegas Extreme Skydiving -- we're shown simple steps to adapt into your daily routines that will transform your life from the inside out.

Express Yourself

If left unchecked, poor self-confidence can stop you from living your life.

Good self-confidence, on the other hand, allows you to achieve the real goals of your life -- whatever they may be.

The three biggest myths about self-confidence.

1. It's something you're born with.

Wrong. Self-confidence is something that can be learned, just like anything else.

2. I'd feel more confident if I knew I'd succeed at something new.

Not true. It might be harder to get back on the ladder, but you'll rise again harder and stronger for it.

3. Once it's gone, it's gone for good.

Wrong again. How can you know you'll succeed if you've never tried? Learn to embrace the excitement of uncertainty.

By acting with a little more confidence in a difficult situation, you can subtly transform your life from the inside out.

Building confidence: a day-to-day approach

At work

Whether starting a new job or dealing with a difficult co-worker, work can test your self-assurance.

1. Lead with your strengths.

How: Work to your strengths -- organize your day to focus on what you're good at.

Why: Reminding yourself of past successes will keep you engaged, positive and self-assured.

2. Monitor your success.

How: Start each day by making a realistic to-do list you can tick off as you go.

Why: Every time a job is crossed off, you're adding to a visible pattern of high achievement.

Day to day

We all want to be more confident when seeing friends and meeting new people, so take a leap and put yourself out there.

3. Talk to different people.

How: On your next grocery run, strike up a conversation with the cashier.

Why: You'll realize the majority of people are friendly, and there's actually nothing to fear. The more you make the effort, the easier it will become.

4. Try something new.

How: Look online for what group activities happen locally and sign up for some.

Why: Doing is the difference between becoming the self-confident person you'd like to be, and no change at all.

Parties and nights out

No one likes feeling left out of the action. Socializing and joining in might seem hard, but you just need to get the ball rolling.

5. Be spontaneous.

How: Rather than thinking of reasons not to go, attend the next event you're invited to.

Why: Your mind will be less cluttered with planning and what-ifs. Thinking on your feet will become natural, making it easier to cope with unknown situations that arise.

6. Focus on body language.

How: Keep a good posture, smile, maintain eye contact and take time when speaking.

Why: By doing these simple things, you will not only feel more confident, but appear more confident.


Leave your worries with the routine of daily life. Build confidence while having an adventure.

7. Venture somewhere different.

How: Book a vacation to a new destination that will require you to be assertive.

Why: Avoiding tourist destinations will force you to talk to strangers, try exotic things and give you a confidence boost that will follow you back home.

8. Travel solo.

How: For your next vacation, go alone -- self-reliance builds self-confidence.

Why: Self-confidence is a by-product of immersing yourself in unknown territory, away from familiar routines.

Physical activities

Talking and socializing aren't the only ways to build confidence. Taking on a physical challenge is a sure-fire way to give you a confidence boost.

9. Get fit with others.

How: Join a local team in a sport that you either excel in or are passionate about.

Why: Team sports rely on cooperation and communication, meaning you'll have to get yourself out there to strategize with your team.

10. Test yourself.

How: Participate in a demanding outdoor activity, such as long distance hiking, survival camping or rock climbing.

Why: Going out of your comfort zone to accomplishing a difficult challenge, set by yourself, will give you an unrivaled boost of confidence.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and the same goes for building confidence. By taking notes of every success, no matter how small, you can remove anxiety's influence over your life.

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit." -- E.E. Cummings

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
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