Are You Awesome? Resumes & Cover Letter Tips That Will Prove It to Employers
Are You Awesome? Resumes & Cover Letter Tips That Will Prove It to Employers

How to Make Your Workday Fly ByToday, when I opened my inbox and skimmed new messages, I noticed this headline: 6 Words that Kill Your Resume. The blog post that followed began with "Writing a resume seems easy." I paused and thought to myself, you know what? For a lot of people, writing a resume doesn't seem easy. There are not only resume words to avoid, but recruiter expectations and design preferences. This month alone, several friends asked me to review resumes, and all required edits and had multiple opportunities to improve.

During a recent Twitter chat about resumes and online job applications, the moderator tweeted a question to me, "Can u immediately spot a professionally written resume?" My answer: "Sure, but not necessarily a bad thing, in my opinion. Some people just need help articulating their awesomeness."

Now, I am not a certified professional resume writer (CPRW), though I have helped hundreds of people with their resumes, both as a function of my full-time job and "on the side." I am an advocate for and understand the value in having a well-written resume. Do you need to spend hundreds of dollars on a "professionally" written resume? Maybe, maybe not--that's for you to decide.

Resume Tips for Articulating Your Awesomeness

How to Get Feedback and Insights from Experts Regarding Your Resume and Cover Letter

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West