Develop Positive, Proactive Employees to Create a Calm Company Culture
Develop Positive, Proactive Employees to Create a Calm Company Culture

Develop Positive, Proactive Employees to Create a Calm Company CultureAs a manager, it's important to create an environment in which all of your employees can thrive. You should strive to develop employees that are positive and proactive from day one. For your young professionals, the most coddled generation in our nation's history, it can often be tricky to dance in the uncomfortable and very necessary space between walking on egg shells to avoid uncomfortable situations and instigating unnecessary conflict.

Here are a few ways you can work with your youngest employees to help them adopt and sustain a possibility-centered mindset so that they--and the rest of your employees--can do their best work.

Kill Fear Mongering

No employees work well when they live in fear. While you may think it's benign or perhaps even a good thing for a young professional to believe that a missed deadline could be grounds for termination, fear is a lousy motivator and it makes a really great performance killer. If young professionals direct focus towards speed at the expense of turning out a high-quality product, you might be training them to make underperformance acceptable and habitual. Let them know that you are there for them when they are having issues with an assignment, and encourage proactive, transparent conversations so that you can co-create solutions.

Reframe Conflict

Let your young professionals know first and foremost that conflict is normal and that when it emerges, it's important to address it quickly. The thoughts, feelings, and behaviors we usually associate with conflict often occur more when we are thinking about the possibility of conflict than when we are actually acknowledging and moving through it. Show your young professionals how to separate fact from fiction in the stories they create about the situations they find themselves in. Help them to give other people the necessary space to speak their perspective without getting defensive. And most importantly, help them develop the skills to focus on how to move forward with others in mutually-beneficial ways rather than rehashing old grievances.

Bring in Some Old-fashioned Forgiveness

When conflict occurs, it's important to keep your young professionals moving forward. The only way to do this is if they forgive all parties involved in previous problems--most of all themselves. Encourage them to see forgiveness as the act of unhooking from the story they created about themselves and the other people involved in the problem. Forgiveness is as much a choice as a practice. In addition to letting young professionals see the many health and performance benefits of letting go and moving on, help them to stay in the forgiveness zone by focusing on how they want to feel when they have forgiven--once and for all. Encourage them to recreate this feeling in their bodies until it eventually sticks and their dress rehearsal becomes their final performance.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West