Easy Ways to Find a New Job This Summer!


Easy Ways to Find a New Job This Summer!


Easy Ways to Find a New Job This Summer!

While summer is often synonymous with rest and relaxation, for many people, it's all about work. Students often spend their summers earning money for the upcoming school year, recent grads use the summer to kick off their careers, and seasoned professionals often take advantage of summer to seek out new opportunities or earn extra money in their spare time. If you are looking to find a new job this summer, here are the top three easiest ways to achieve your goal.

Three: Make Your Own Gig

If you need to get to work quickly, there are numerous ways to earn a little money in your free time while you continue a summer job or permanent search. The "gig economy" has made it easy for people to spend their spare time being productive. Consider tactics like:

  • Driving: If you have a car that passes standards, you can drive for Uber or Lyft when it suits you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Pet care: If you love animals, have good references and are able to pass a background check, you can walk dogs or pet sit through websites like Rover.com and Wag.
  • Freelance: Sites like Upwork allow writers, designers and coders to pick up freelance projects through a bidding process.

It is difficult to earn a full-time living through these types of gigs, but they can put you to work doing something enjoyable and boost your resume while you search for something more steady.

Two: Tap Your Network

How many connections do you have on social media and in your personal life? How many of those people have jobs and connections of their own? By simply telling your network you're looking for a job, you can likely get a line on some new opportunities you wouldn't know about by searching job boards alone.

When reaching out, be specific because people are more likely to help you if they know exactly what you're looking for. Just remember, that networking is a two-way street, so help others whenever you can. Don't be a pest, always be brief, and remember to thank anyone who passes you an opportunity or introduces you to a new person.

The Number One Way to Find a Job This Summer

The most effective way to find a job is to work with a staffing firm. Whether you're looking for something temporary for the summer or your goal is to find a permanent, full-time job, a recruiting company can get you working quickly.

To increase your chances of finding opportunities that suit you, be honest and upfront with your recruiter about what it is you are looking for. The more information they have about your goals and preferences, the more accurate they can be with their recommendations.

If you are looking to get to work quickly this summer, the recruiters of PrideStaff can help. From temporary assignments to permanent employment, we can help you achieve your goals.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West