Is Now The Right Time For A Career Change?


Is Now The Right Time For A Career Change?


Is Now The Right Time For A Career Change?

With nearly every aspect of American life in a state of uncertainty due to COVID-19, many people are struggling with their careers. Unemployment is at record highs and entire industries are in danger of collapse, leaving many people to contemplate career changes. However, with all the uncertainty swirling around, is now the right time for a change?

For Some, Now Is The Best Time For A Career Move

If you work in an industry that has been ravaged by the pandemic, it makes sense to consider a completely new career path. The irony of the current economic situation is that for every industry that has taken a hit, another is experiencing a boom.

For people out of work, this means there are job opportunities in new fields they can and should explore. It is important to remember entering a completely new field will take some time and research.

If you are interested in doing the same job in a new industry, you should focus on your transferable skills and getting up to speed on your target niche. If you are looking to make a complete change into a new job in a new field, you may have to spend time taking classes, developing skills and earning certifications, degrees or other proof of skills.

Revamp Your Resume For New Opportunities

Breaking into a new field will require you to rethink and reposition your resume. This is a step you cannot afford to skip because it can be challenging to prove yourself without experience in that industry.

  • Customize every resume for the job. Tailoring your resume ensures you are incorporating keywords from the posting and the specific skills and experience the employer wants in a candidate.
  • Reformat the document. Since you are new to the field, you'll want to use a functional resume format that keeps attention on your skills, rather than your industry experience.
  • Include a summary. A summary allows you to state your most relevant skills, impact and expertise. Point out the ways your transferable skills and achievements will benefit the organization.
  • Keep it easy to scan. Employers take less than 10 seconds to scan resumes. Keep it concise, use 10, 11 or 12 point font, use half-inch margins and place your skills section above your professional experience section.
  • Be open to temporary and contract work. Contract and temporary roles are often the best way to break into a new industry. Don't close yourself off to these experience-building opportunities that can open doors.

Are You Looking For A New Job?

If you are looking for a new job in a new industry, you can gain an advantage by working with an expert PrideStaff recruiter. Contact us today to learn more about our resources for job seekers.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West