10 Leadership and Career Myths Debunked


Do You Really Need a Resume?

Myth vs Reality
The short answer? Yes. Even in the year 2014, you still need a resume.

Resumes serve a purpose beyond finding a job. Resumes are a summary of your professional work experience. They can be used in a variety of instances, like business proposals, and when being considered for board positions (just to name a few). I guess, indirectly, those activities can be considered sources of work but you get what I mean. The resume offers a consistent format for providing a summary of your work experience.

In addition to your resume, you should craft a short biography about yourself. Many people have some sort of side hustle going on and a bio is an effective way to introduce yourself. We often have a preconceived notion of what a resume looks like and what it contains, a bio has more freedom. You can include both personal and professional accomplishments. Some other items to consider: Once you have a resume and bio, create a plan to keep them current. You never know when you might be contacted about presenting at a conference or your dream job comes along. I know this sounds like 1980's advice but I'm just amazed at the number of people who do not keep their resume current. Then they forget accomplishments like, "How much money did I save the company with that project?" or "My average sale increased by what percentage?" Those are important statistics to know when trying to land that new gig.

Find a way to keep your resume and bio with you. One way to always have them handy is by keeping a copy in a file storage app like Box, Dropbox or the dozens of similar products. It demonstrates you're using current technologies, diligent about keeping information updated, and agile in responding to requests. All great things to show today's recruiters.

Using a professional platform like LinkedIn for your resume is fine, if that's what everyone is asking for. And we might get to that point someday. Not sure we're there yet. So until then, have a current resume and bio handy.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West