Feeling Defeated at Work? Read This!


Feeling Defeated at Work? Read This!


Feeling Defeated at Work? Read This!

Feeling unhappy at work is a very common problem. Everyone has felt unhappy with a job at one point in their career, but in many cases, things work themselves out eventually. What happens, however, when the situation doesn't naturally correct itself? When your unhappiness makes you less productive and makes you feel hopeless even when you're not on the clock? If you're feeling defeated at work, there are steps you can and should take to resolve the situation and regain your happiness.

What to Do If You Are Unhappy at Work

If you are feeling unhappy, the first thing to do is try and take control of the situation and make changes that are within your control:

  • Take a step back: Are you really unhappy? Some people think that just because they don't jump out of bed in the morning eager to get to work that they are "unhappy." The truth is, most people don't wake up every day for work feeling like a kid on Christmas morning, and that's not necessarily a sign of unhappiness.
  • Identify whether the problem is short term or chronic: There is a difference between struggling with a short-term issue and dealing with chronic unhappiness that lasts months or years.
  • Try to make positive changes: If you're really struggling, it's worthwhile to sit down with your supervisor and develop a plan to make changes. If your workload is paralyzing, your boss can help you delegate and prioritize. If you aren't getting along with co-workers, try to work through the conflict. Think about what you can personally do to change within the framework of your current job and take the necessary steps.
  • Ask for more responsibility: If the problem is boredom, lack of challenges or lack of development opportunity, talk to your boss about taking on new responsibilities, working on new projects or creating a plan to advance your career. When you take control of the situation, you'll often be able to reframe your circumstances and work through your unhappiness at work.

When Things Don't Change

There are times when the problem isn't you; it's the company, your boss or your job that are the problem. Perhaps the culture is toxic, you simply can't work through your differences with your supervisor or the job you're doing isn't the one you signed up for. If there's nothing you can do to make your situation any better or if you are so unhappy it is impacting your mental or physical health, it's time to look for new opportunities.

Taking a leap can be scary, but with an experienced recruiter on your side, you can find a new job that aligns with your skills and goals at a place where you will feel happy and engaged in your work. If you're ready to move on and find a better job, contact the experts at PrideStaff today.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West