Why Flexibility Now Matters More To Employees


Why Flexibility Now Matters More To Employees

Workplace flexibility became a hot topic when working from home became the norm in 2020. However, prior to that year, flexibility wasn't all that common. A recent survey by M Moser Associates found that a third of the respondents said their companies did not offer flexible working policies before COVID-19. Before working from home became a mandate, many organizations clung to the idea that in order to be productive, employees must be present in the workplace from nine to five.

But now that workers know they can work from home successfully, they are pushing for continued flexibility in the workplace. Nearly 97% of men and 95% of women say they need access to flexibility, which means employers should stay focused on delivering that flexibility or risk losing out on top talent.

People Want To Focus on Their Families

Working parents are pulled in very different directions, and a strict nine-to-five often means missing out on milestones, both small and large. Parents often just need a little bit of give and take to strike a good balance to be the best they can be for their families and their employers.

Flexibility Improves Health

Traditional office environments are stressful, no matter how well your employees work together. Providing flexible arrangements reduces stress and improves mental and physical health. When commutes are limited to a few days a week or eliminated altogether, people have more time to focus on eating well, exercising and engaging in activities that help them naturally destress.

These factors can reduce the number of sick days employees take each year. Stress makes people vulnerable to germs, and it also leads to many sick days that are really "mental health days." Employees who have achieved flexibility are simply happier and healthier.

Employees Want To Feel Trusted

People want to know that their bosses and company leaders trust them to do their jobs well. Offering flexible work arrangements and focusing more on results than a time clock can make employees feel more valued. When people feel valued, their engagement goes up, as does their job satisfaction.

Flexibility Often Boosts Productivity

It's true that some people don't work well from home, but many people have discovered they can actually get more done in less time when they are at home. Working alone means no commute time, no water cooler talk and fewer meetings.

Ready To Find And Retain Great People?

One of the benefits of flexibility for employers is that your talent pool instantly opens up. Geographic barriers are eliminated, and you will attract the best and brightest.If you are looking to grow or enhance your team this year, partner with the experts at PrideStaff. Contact us to learn more about the ways we can help you access top talent, control recruiting costs and gain a competitive edge.

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PrideStaff - Miami West