5 Tips to Banish the Sunday Scaries



Yes, You Can Feel Happier At Work!

You might know the feeling: the weekend is drawing to an end, and suddenly you feel anxious. Intrusive thoughts about work crowd your mind. You start wondering what's waiting for you in your inbox, how many tasks are on your to-do list, and what you may have forgotten to do last week. The weekend feels like it's over, no matter how many hours there are until Monday morning.

The Sunday Scaries are a form of anticipatory anxiety that causes you to worry about something that hasn't yet occurred. If you worry about Monday on Sunday afternoon or night, try these tips to identify, manage, or end the cause of your anxiety.

Get curious. Do you know why you're feeling a looming sense of dread about work? Is it related to something specific? Is there a particular task, meeting, or project triggering your feeling? Do you enjoy your job? If you can identify the cause of your worries, you can take steps to overcome it. Maybe you can learn time management techniques to manage tasks better or re-prioritize your to-do list to increase efficiency, lessening your anxiety.

Try anxiety management techniques. Since the Sunday Scaries cause feelings of anxiety, consider trying relaxation techniques such as:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Yoga
  • A worry journal to help you identify and release stress
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Positive affirmations

Enjoy a low-key Sunday night. If you know you always get wound up on Sunday night, plan a relaxing evening for yourself. Take care of pressing tasks and responsibilities early in the weekend, leaving time to relax and unwind on Sunday night.

Make Monday fun. Dreading Monday? Even the scales by giving yourself something fun to look forward to. Whether it's something small, like a fancy coffee or an indulgent afternoon snack, or a bigger treat like going out to lunch or scheduling time to do a favorite activity, having something pleasant on your schedule can make the beginning of the week less overwhelming.

Find a job you love. If your Sunday Scaries become a weekly event-or a nightly habit-you might want to explore other job options. Your local PrideStaff recruiter can share temporary, temp-to-hire, and direct hire opportunities that could end your Sunday Scaries for good!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West