2021 Is the Year to Take Control of Your Career


2021 Is the Year to Take Control of Your Career

We can all agree that "lack of control over what was happening" was a common theme in 2020. While we aren't completely out of the woods yet, we are in a new year, and it's the perfect time to reclaim control over as much as we can in our lives. Your career is a great place to start. Whether you feel stuck in your current job, you are unhappy with your current situation, or you want to take a step forward, make 2021 the year you take control of your career.

It All Starts With You

First, you need to get into the right mindset. Remember, no one will hand you a new job or promotion, and no one cares as much about your career as you do. Taking control of your career starts and ends with you, so you will have to take initiative, step out of your comfort zone at times and even take a few risks. But if you don't take those risks, you'll never reap the rewards.

Figure Out Your Career Goals

You never get in your car without knowing your final destination. The same is true for your career. To set your destination point, ask yourself where you want to be in two years. This is an easy goal to visualize because it's the near future. Then, work backward. Where do you need to be in one year to achieve that goal? Six months? Three months? Working backward will help you determine the immediate steps you need to take to gain control of your career and achieve your goals.

Volunteer For New Responsibilities

Your boss is not a mind reader. If you want to be given new tasks, assignments or responsibilities, volunteer for them. When you step up and volunteer to take on more work, it makes it hard for your boss to say no.

Take Online Courses

How many hours of Netflix did you watch last year? Imagine if you had spent even half that time learning a new skill online? There are thousands of ways you can learn new skills right from your couch or desk at home. Udemy offers thousands of courses you can take at your own pace -- some for as low as $10. Coursera has free university courses that you can audit, or you can pay around $50 to get graded and receive a certificate of completion. They also have specializations and offer certifications and even degrees online. All are from well-known colleges.

Talk To Your Boss

Remember, your boss cannot read your mind, so sit down and discuss your goals. Your boss can help you understand which skills you may need to develop or what types of responsibilities you need to tackle to grow in your career and find what you are looking for.

If you are ready to take control of your career this year, talk to the expert recruiters at PrideStaff today.


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PrideStaff - Miami West