6 Clear Cut Ways to Improve Employee Productivity


6 Clear-Cut Ways to Improve Employee Productivity


6 Clear Cut Ways to Improve Employee Productivity

Employees often have tough jobs to perform. The vast majority try very hard and always seek ways to fulfill responsibilities. But simply trying with diligence and determination isn't always sufficient. It's not enough to work hard; you also have to work smart. Perhaps this has been the biggest challenge for your business, figuring out how to get more from your employees without running them into the ground. Luckily, there are a few excellent practices you can adopt to improve employee productivity.

The results of enacting such policies will speak for themselves.

Clear Goals

Workers need to know what they're working for in the first place. Simply showing up at the office to manipulate spreadsheets, send out emails, and attend conference calls will have little meaning if they don't know the overall goal.

As a leader, you need to establish what those goals are and indicate how everything employees do, from creating presentations to writing project proposals, works toward those goals. It gives employees a greater sense of purpose and adds motivation to ensure they're doing the best job possible.

Employee Productivity and Performance Measurement

While measuring employee productivity and performance is by no means a new idea, it's important that you set the standards and guidelines in such a way that employees know exactly what managers and supervisors look for. It's difficult to do a job well while not knowing how you'll be evaluated.

This, in combination with knowledge of the organization's goals, will help employees focus on the tasks and responsibilities that really matter, leading to better productivity in all parts of their jobs.


Have you considered having some, or even all, of your employees work from home? It's certainly a trend many companies are moving toward, and much of the benefit seems to stem from improved employee productivity. One recent study found that employees who worked from home worked more hours, and were 13 percent more productive.

In addition to the productivity benefits, employees who telecommute also have higher job satisfaction. The two likely fuel each other, making telecommuting an increasingly popular business strategy.

Fewer Internet Rules

Many businesses view using social media or browsing websites while at work as a serious violation. Due to this attitude, restrictions have routinely been placed on internet use, but that may be the wrong reaction.

Worrying about misuse of company time is justifiable, but the fact remains that the web has many resources that can be used to make employees better at their jobs. While the risk may be present that workers will waste time, if they know what's expected of them, the best employees will use the internet to become more productive, not less.

Delegate Responsibilities

You may be tempted to oversee everything that happens in your company. Perhaps you're observing all the work threads on a communications platform, or maybe you've installed a pro surveillance system to ensure workers are on the job at all times.

But you may get more production from employees by simply delegating your authority and responsibilities. That allows them to focus on the details while you look at the bigger picture. Delegating also demonstrates trust in your employees to get the job done without you hovering over their shoulder.

Effective Communication

Every point on this list ties into one main idea: they all require good communication. Whether explaining a new goal the company has or detailing the new telecommuting policy, effective communication ensures employees know their roles, what they can to do improve the company and where they stand to improve.

Poor communication, on the other hand, sends mixed signals and unclear messages, leaving many employees focusing on unimportant tasks and policies. A proper emphasis on clear communication ensures everything comes through without interference. In other words, it stops problems before they start, giving employees the ability to focus more on their own jobs and getting the most work done.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West