5 Affordable Ways to Keep Employees Happy and Healthy


5 Affordable Ways to Keep Employees Happy and Healthy


5 Affordable Ways to Keep Employees Happy and HealthyAs a business leader, you already understand the negative repercussions of sick or even mildly disengaged employees; you know research shows organizations sincerely devoted to their workers' health see higher profit margins and more:

-They boast dramatically lower healthcare costs
-Their employees take sick days less frequently
-They attract better applicants who will remain loyal to their jobs, which cuts down on the high costs of hiring
-They build solid reputations in the community and thus experience increased loyalty from customers and clients

While giant companies like Google and Facebook offer on-site recreational facilities -- a well-fitted gym, aquatic center, game room, even nap pods -- to generate these results, your organization may not have the resources to provide such amenities. However, there is plenty you and your fellow leaders can do to inspire your teams to be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy -- and most of them are inexpensive and easy to implement!

Discourage Overtime

While this may sound counterintuitive, try to dissuade your employees from working more than their minimum weekly hours. Though your company may ostensibly benefit from more completed work, in the long run, your employees and business will suffer due to burnout and injury.

A work-life balance is crucial for sustainable physical and mental health, and you should place more importance on these than on your workers' accumulated hours.

Keep a Clean, Bright Office

Offices are confined places where employees spend a great deal of time. When the community workspace becomes uncomfortable, cluttered and stale, you can be certain workforce morale will be affected.

To combat this dreariness, ensure furniture is comfortable and supportive, keep lights as natural as possible, and limit decorations to those that help create a welcoming or seasonally festive environment. And, no matter how big or small your office space is, invest in office cleaning services to keep the workplace clean and safe.

Partner with Fitness Centers

Even though your office space isn't equipped with private fitness centers, you can still impress on your employees the importance of staying fit by partnering with a local gym.

From this partnership, your employees will gain free or cut-rate membership to the gym's facilities, which will likely encourage them to spend more time exercising and becoming healthy. Just as important, they'll know your organization is investing in their long-term health.

Host Community Meals

It seems nothing brings people closer than eating together!

To turn your workforce into a contented community, plan various meals throughout the month. If cost is an issue, encourage employees to bring dishes to share, pot luck style. During those meals, facilitate organic conversation with ice-breakers. Or use that time together to recognize team members for contributions and celebrate wins.

And, since we are talking about the health of your team, be sure to provide healthy eating options. Salads to accompany the pizza, and fresh juice or bottled water instead of soda are great choices.

Encourage Away-From-the-Desk Breaks

In a recent poll, only one in five office workers admitted to taking a full lunch break away from their desks. Yet, taking work breaks allows the body to restore energy and the brain to regain concentration and memory, which difficult work tends to diminish.

Not only is a full-hour lunch break necessary to refuel and recuperate, but multiple 10 to 20 minute breaks throughout the day will boost productivity in every way. Some studies even indicate that a daily nap increases work quality and quantity. Therefore, instead of being a boss who cracks the whip, be that leader who fluffs the pillow and offers a comforting -- and healthy snack.

Incorporate these five ideas into your office, and intentionally develop a happy and healthy workplace!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West