The Need of the Hour: Managing vs. Coaching


The Need of the Hour: Managing vs. Coaching

How Leaders Can Get More Done Through Others: How Micromanagement Can Kill Productivity and CreativityDespite what some people may think, being a manager is no walk in the park. In fact, the combination of mental work, social interaction, project juggling, time management challenges, high pressure, responsibility, and variability makes it among the more demanding types of work any person can take on. The hours are terrible and the stress is inevitable.

But if organizations expect to accomplish anything of consequence, they must have managers, from the front line supervisor on up. While a manager may not directly produce whatever it is an organization makes, they do facilitate and organize team productivity, clearing the way for others to succeed with a minimum of obstacles.

However, a true leader acts as more than just a manager, driving the team's performance; they also act as a coach in the best sense of the word: laying out the general strategy with their talented, trusted team members, who then run with the ball while the coach steps out of the way. So when should you be one or the other?

The Managerial Side of the Job

Managers often have to tell others what to do to get a job done. You may have to act from greater experience, knowledge, or training, directly passing on your requirements through tasking, directives, and initiatives. This most often occurs in situations where immediate needs are paramount, and you need to achieve specific outcomes efficiently and quickly. Your team members look to you for answers, and rightly so in critical circumstances. Not that you don't want them to think for themselves, but sometimes a team just needs someone to coordinate, while everyone else does their piece of the project. As a pure manager, you direct from a position of authority while guiding your team toward a specific outcome. Situations where managing is needed include: The above situations require quick, decisive action focused on high productivity and achievement.

The Coaching Flipside

In this era of independent thinkers who must often execute in the moment without awaiting permission, the manager's job has expanded. No longer does a manager just tell people what to do: he or she guides them in their work, clears obstacles from their paths, and supports their immediate and long-term career goals. Trusted, experienced, and efficient personnel form the hub of the true wheel of productivity, so coaching skills should take the lion's share of your time. Coaching works best in situations where: When you coach, you teach your people the ropes as necessary, acting as a mentor rather than autocrat, and otherwise make suggestions in real time concerning what they can do to tweak their behavior toward an optimum. When they don't quite reach a standard, you praise what they did right, then outline where you think they showed weakness and what they can do to improve. You provide the tools they need to succeed--because when your team succeeds, so do you. Coaches create the kind of engaged, empowered employees needed for survival today.


Our workplace reality is currently undergoing a shift that's been coming on for decades, as the technological innovations of the era combine with American independence to bring employees and managers ever closer on the employment continuum. No longer does the pure manager hold sway, because we no longer need them all the time. Yes, we require a firm hand at times, especially during crises and when dealing with green recruits. But otherwise, the coach has the upper hand in the drive toward excellence and a bountiful outcome.

The manager as coach provides the flexibility and agility all businesses require on the road to success, as well as the motivation and confidence individual team members must feel in order to take you there. Given these facts, it seems a foreordained conclusion that the importance of manager as coach rather than autocrat will continue to increase in the foreseeable future. If you haven't already started the shift yourself, it's time to begin

Make it a productive day! (TM) (C) Copyright 2011 Laura Stack. All rights reserved. © 2011 Laura Stack. Laura Stack is a personal productivity expert, author, and professional speaker whose mission is to build high-performance productivity cultures in organizations by creating Maximum Results in Minimum Time®. She is the president of The Productivity Pro®, Inc., a time management training firm specializing in productivity improvement in high-stress organizations and the 2011-2012 President of the National Speakers Association. Since 1992, Laura has presented keynotes and seminars on improving output, lowering stress, and saving time in today's workplaces. She is the bestselling author of four books: SUPERCOMPETENT; The Exhaustion Cure; Find More Time; and Leave the Office Earlier. Laura has been a spokesperson for Microsoft, 3M, Xerox, and Office Depot. She is the creator of The Productivity Pro® planner by Day-Timer and has been featured on the CBS Early Show, CNN, and the New York Times. Her clients include Starbucks, Cisco Systems, Wal-Mart, and Bank of America. To have Laura speak at your next event, call 303-471-7401 or visit to sign up for her free monthly productivity newsletter.

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