Crushing the Talent Shortage: 5 Tips to Improve Engagement



Empower Employees By Recognizing Their Strengths!

Engagement is an essential tool in crushing the talent shortage. It can help you retain current employees, keep them motivated and inspire them to work toward company goals. Engagement isn't just for people already on your staff, though. It's possible to foster engagement in every stage of the hiring process.

Streamline Your Application.

Make it easy to apply and prevent applicants from dropping out before completion. What do you need to know before moving to the next stage? Do you need to know the exact dates they worked at a job ten years ago? Probably not. Consider a minimalist app that will capture the essentials. There's plenty of time for details if they become finalists for the role.

Be Mindful of Your Branding.

Take a look at your website or other marketing materials. Is it likely to grab the attention of your target audience? Ask someone who is in that audience to give you an honest assessment. If your website is outdated, it won't resonate with technical candidates. If your marketing is stuffy, it won't attract young or innovative people; if it's casual or sloppy, professionals will keep scrolling.

Engage on Social Media.

Don't just post to Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook. Respond when people comment. It makes people feel seen. If the comment is negative, try responding like, "Sorry to hear that. Call if you'd like to talk about it." If you're not getting responses, ask questions or post polls to encourage engagement. You can ask anything from "What did you like about your favorite boss?" to "What is your favorite thing about the holidays?" It humanizes your company.

Communicate Consistently.

Job seekers are continually frustrated by a lack of communication in the hiring process. They don't know if their application went through online. They wonder where they stand and when you will make a hiring decision. Hiring managers tell candidates they'll definitely hear from them by Friday, only to ghost them completely, leaving candidates to wonder where they went wrong. This can be alleviated with minimal effort - even less if you use automation software.

Work With A Staffing And Recruiting Firm.

One of the greatest advantages a recruiter offers is the ability to act as a buffer between you and a candidate. That sounds like the opposite of engagement, but if a candidate trusts them, they can ask questions they may be afraid to ask you. That means the candidates who move to the next step and meet with you are likely to be a good fit and excited to work at your company.

Partner With PrideStaff to Beat the Talent Crunch

We are specialists in helping to attract and keep the engaged employees you need to achieve your company goals. Contact your local PrideStaff office today.

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PrideStaff - Miami West