Is It Time to Find a New Job?


Is It Time to Find a New Job?


Is It Time to Find a New Job?

Americans spend more time at work than they do at home with their families. That's a lot of time to be stuck working at the wrong company or working in the wrong role. Life is too short to settle for a job that doesn't fulfill you or move you towards your goals. Here are some signs that it's probably time for you to start looking for greener pastures.

One: You're Unhappy All Day, Every Day

No one is happy at work every minute of every day, but if work makes you miserable from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, or if going to work makes you physically ill, it is probably time to move on. No job is worth sacrificing your physical or mental health.

Two: The Environment is Toxic

Sometimes, you like what you do but not where you do it. Often, it's the people who make all the difference. If you work with perpetually negative people, people who sabotage your work, or if you and your boss simply do not get along, it's time to look for a new job.

Three: You Are Not Growing

If you are bored, feeling unchallenged and there is nowhere to go in the company upward or even laterally, it is a huge sign to start looking for new opportunities. Remember, however, to be realistic. If you're only six months on the job, you are likely not in line for a promotion.

Four: You're Getting Lazy

Are you doing the absolute bare minimum (or less) every day? If you lack any sort of motivation or drive, or if you are showing up late and leaving early, take a step back and evaluate your situation. Everyone can feel burned out once in a while, but if you are feeling consistently lazy and apathetic about the quality of your work, you are probably not in the right job.

Five: You Lack Trust

Have you begun to lose trust in your colleagues, your boss, company leadership or the organization as a whole? Have you noticed a shift in the mission, vision, values or culture of the company and you don't feel comfortable with those changes? If so, you're probably not doing your best work and your job may not be right for you over the long term.

Does This Sound Like You?

If you are unhappy, unfulfilled, and stagnant at your current job, partner with the recruiters of PrideStaff. Our team makes job searching simple -- you tell us what you're looking for and we will go find it. Our searches are efficient and confidential, so you don't have to worry about your current boss finding out you are looking. Contact us today to learn more about the ways we can help you achieve your goals.

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PrideStaff - Miami West