10 Subtle Signs That Reveal How Much You Enjoy Your Work


10 Subtle Signs That Reveal How Much You Enjoy Your Work

By: switchandshift.com

Making Yourself Happier on the JobSometimes professionals are so busy enjoying their work that they rarely realize they've actually achieved something that would make others jealous. Being able to love what you do is a blessing -- in fact, people who love their jobs are happier, more satisfied and achieve a much healthier work-life balance through increased productivity. Even if at times they enjoy their work a little too much.

Here are 10 subtle signs which reveal that you love your job.

1. You start your day and here's lunchtime.
When we do something engaging, time flies instead of running painfully slow. Entering the state of "flow," professionals experience a curious feeling of time disappearing entirely -- all that matters are the tasks in front of them.

2. You're up for a challenge.
Every professional knows the taste of struggle. Whether it's completing a monotonous task or facing a serious problem with a very strict deadline ahead, practically every job includes factors which cause stress or at least some dissatisfaction. Sometimes you might find yourself completing a task only to learn it was unnecessary, or needs to be redone entirely.

If you face such situations and don't care about the amount of work to be done, you probably love your job. A part of enjoying your work is loving the struggle. You realize in order to achieve something, you simply must go through some trouble -- returning and refining your projects is the foundation of progress. The best thing is that deep down you know that it's all worth it.

3. You feel tired in a satisfied way.
Many professionals who settle for doing what they find acceptable go home every day feeling tired -- during their work they use so much of their willpower to keep themselves going that by the end of the shift they feel drained.

However, if you come back home every day tired and hungry, but at the same time you feel satisfied, accomplished and sense that you've created something of value, it's a sign that you're a perfect fit for your job. It means you're doing the job right and are on your way to building something extraordinary.

4. Success is about fulfillment, not just money.
Success is a ubiquitous goal in Western societies. But we've grown to learn that professional success might at times come at a price. And younger generations are wise in understanding that success isn't just about the financial benefits, but also about lifestyle.

If at some point along the way you notice your work is much more than just a means of earning a living, you're probably passionate about your job. Imagining that you leave your current position for one with higher paycheck makes you genuinely sad -- because to you, work is about much more than money.

5. You talk about your work -- a lot!
You talk and talk and cannot stop talking about your work to anyone and on any occasion. Even if certain tasks frustrate you, you still talk about it to everyone -- you're always on the lookout for new perspectives to help devise new smart solutions.

When talking about your job, you never complain. Of course, professionals in every sector face trying times, but you keep talking about your work whether things are going well or badly.

6. Your life and work complement each other.
Instead of viewing these two different spheres of your life as completely separate, you allow one to creep into the other. You often think about work outside of office hours -- you brainstorm ideas, solve problems or just consider how things happening in your life can benefit your work.

This is actually a smart method for keeping a healthy work-life balance -- you're able to spot those things which render your work and life similar and different, seeing clearly how they translate into each other. This realization is what helps you get the most from both areas of your life.

7. Sunday night isn't a dreadful time.
Fear, anxiety or stress is a common feeling experienced on Sunday night by professionals who don't like their jobs. The looming work week terrifies them and makes them miserable. When you like your work, Sunday is an exciting moment because your job is waiting for you around the corner.

You like weekends because it's nice to spend quality time with friends and family, take care of your home and explore your city and its delights. But weekdays make you excited as well. Going back to work after a refreshing weekend is just another pleasure in your life.

8. You consider co-workers and superiors as partners in building something of value.
Seeing people who work with you as more than just your colleagues, partners in misery or people who give you reports to fill out is a sign that your job means more to you than just a means for earning your living.

Professionals who consider their work an integral part of their life and personality see their colleagues and supervisors as a team with whom they can build something extraordinary. Even if you're not the one to decide what it is, you consider your contribution valuable and struggling along with those people to make your idea reality is pure pleasure.

9. When you get frustrated, it's because something is not good enough.
Frustration at the mere thought of producing something below your expectations is a sign that you really value your work. This is especially true if this frustration stems from a deep desire to build something better, and it results in making extra effort to improve the general standard.

Even if the struggle is at times overwhelming, the prospect of working hard toward your goal gives you a strong motivation to reach that aim. Imagine what a great sense of reward you'll feel once you get there -- this is what all people who love their jobs feel like when they accomplish something.

10. You consider the bigger picture.
Finally, even if you're deep into small, mundane tasks, you're able to envision the completion of the project and see it from a broader perspective. This helps you not feel overwhelmed by the amount of those tiny tasks begging for your attention. Professionals who love their jobs always find a way to see the forest through the trees and remind themselves about the goals they're aiming for.

Loving your job, you might feel slightly out of place among workers who tend to complain, feel indifferent or even hate their jobs. But you're lucky and you shouldn't let others' opinions pull you down -- just do your job, complete your projects and keep your head high. After all, not many professionals can say that their job is a dream come true.

This article originally featured on switchandshift.com

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