The Anatomy of a Resume


The Anatomy of a Resume

Resumes are one of the most important documents you'll ever create in your life. They can make or break your chances of getting an interview that could lead to a new job. That's why it's so important to create an effective resume. However, writing a resume is stressful and certainly isn't high on anyone's list of fun things to do. If you need to revisit your resume this year, follow this simple advice on what to include to catch a hiring manager's attention.

Resume Heading

This section appears at the top of your resume and should include your name, email address and phone number. You do not need to put your physical address on your resume, as it can open up privacy concerns, but you can list your city and state, which is a good idea if you are applying for a local job.

Skills Summary

Underneath your heading, you should include a list of your most important skills. You can call this section "Key Skills" or "Relevant Skills." This will help you pass scanning software and will help the hiring manager see your skills at a glance. Ensure the list of skills shows why you're a good fit for the job and includes keywords from the job description.

Work Experience

Next, it's time to list your work experience. Instead of listing your experience chronologically, consider listing your most relevant job experience first. For many people, this won't impact chronology.

For each position, create a bulleted list that focuses on your skills and achievements, rather than simply listing tasks and responsibilities. This will allow you to show the value you brought to each job.

Education and Certifications

If you've been out of school and working for more than 10 years, you can simply list your degrees in this section. If you are a recent graduate with little work experience, you'll want to include your GPA or other relevant information here. It's a good idea to leave your graduation date off your resume so you do not open yourself up to potential age discrimination. If you work in an industry where certifications and licenses are important, you should list those here, as well.

Additional Experience

This optional section is especially important for people who are new to the workforce, reentering the workforce or looking to switch careers. This section lets you add some additional depth to your resume, and here you can list things like volunteer work, clubs/organizations, awards, hobbies, etc. Just be careful to avoid listing anything that will give away your religious affiliation, age, family status, or political leanings.

Looking For Help Creating an Effective Resume?

Are you looking for a great new job? Could you use some advice and feedback on your resume? The recruiters at PrideStaff can help. Our team will give you tips and advice, and we will match you with opportunities where you will shine. Contact PrideStaff to learn more.

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PrideStaff - Miami West