Get Back Into the Saddle After the Holidays


Get Back Into the Saddle After the Holidays


Get Back Into the Saddle After the Holidays

January and February can feel like the longest, slowest months of the year, and getting back into your job hunt can be a struggle. Days are short. The air is cold. Motivation can be difficult to muster. If you let your job search slide over the holidays, use these tips to get yourself back in the saddle and set yourself up for success in 2020.

Clarify Your Focus

Now that you've had a few weeks off, it's a good idea to check back in with yourself. Are your goals for your job search still the same? Are you clear on exactly what you are looking for? If necessary, take some time to clarify your focus and redefine your goals so you can proceed with renewed focus and motivation.

Re-Energize Network Connections

The dreary days of winter can be a great time to reconnect with members of your professional network, especially if it's been a while since you've checked in. Invite people for coffee or lunch and explore ways you might help each other this year.

Write a New To-Do List

A great way to start moving forward is to rework your to-do list. Determine the most productive yet manageable activities you can do over the next six months, and then break them down into weekly tasks. Whether it's applying to five jobs, reaching out to two direct contacts per day, gathering two new references, etc., lay out some to-dos and start working your list.

Work on Overcoming Weaknesses

You've probably been asked to share your weaknesses in job interviews. It's important to be able to identify them, but what have you done to work on them? Write down your weaknesses and develop a plan to overcome them. Then, at your next interview, you can identify that weakness while outlining the steps you're taking to strengthen yourself.

Try Something New

If you want to get yourself out of a rut -- try something new. Whether it's revamping your resume, testing out a new format for your cover letters or even building a personal website for your job search, step out of your comfort zone and try something different.

Work With a Recruiter

Still having trouble getting back into the saddle? Work with a professional recruiter who can match you with great jobs. They will work with you to understand your experience, your goals and your priorities. When they find a great job that is suited for you, they will present the opportunity and even help prepare you for the interview.

If you are ready to kickstart your job search, contact the expert recruiters at PrideStaff today.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West