Interview Curveballs You Might Be Tossed This Year


Interview Curveballs You Might Be Tossed This Year


Interview Curveballs You Might Be Tossed This Year

As a job seeker, you understand the basic gist of the questions you should prepare for, and you've likely spent hours putting together anecdotes and practicing your answers. But have you prepared for curveball questions? Hiring managers like to toss a few curveballs in every interview to keep you on your toes. If you are preparing to land a new job in the new year, here are some potential curveball questions to prepare for.

What do You Like Most and Least About This Industry?

The best way to answer this question is with authenticity and honesty. Don't be afraid to show your passion for your industry when speaking about what you love about your work. When addressing things you do not like about your industry, tread carefully. You can be honest, but don't come across as too negative.

What Is Your Favorite Website?

Many employers like this question because it provides a window into your priorities and how you spend your free time. Do you network? Do you read industry news? Do you keep up with the Kardashians? When answering this question, be prepared to explain your reasons for liking the website and the value it adds.

Tell Me About a Time You Worked on Something That Failed

It's easy to talk about your past successes -- but it's difficult to admit to failure. However, it is important to talk about your failures when asked because it shows a healthy self-awareness. Not everything you work on will go your way, and hiring managers want to know how you handle those situations.

Choose a real situation in which you failed, and talk about what you learned and how you corrected your behaviors and approaches for the future.

Is It Better to Be Good and on Time or Perfect and Late?

This sounds like a bit of a trick question, but if you think it through, the answer is easy. Perfection is impossible, so "perfect and late" is a scenario that simply does not exist and it is unacceptable to be late in a professional setting. It's always better to be on time and good -- you can always improve.

Why Should We Choose You Over the Other Five Candidates We Are Considering?

This question forces you to step out of your comfort zone and promote yourself against other people. If you are unable to answer this question, it shows a lack of self-confidence. Always be prepared to describe yourself as the best candidate in a few short sentences, focusing on the value you would bring and the things you do better than anyone else.

Don't Get Caught Off Guard

Remember, when you're faced with curveball questions like these, it is always important to take a moment to think through your answers and respond carefully. If you are looking for job search advice, or if you're ready to partner with a professional recruiter, contact the experts at PrideStaff today.

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PrideStaff - Miami West