Making Your 2020 Career Vision a Reality


Making Your 2020 Career Vision a Reality


Making Your 2020 Career Vision a Reality

Ready to find a new job in the new year? Now is a great time to start gearing yourself up for a successful search. Use these tips and strategies to set yourself up for career success in 2020.

Map Your Goals

Goals will help keep your job search focused and on track. Think about where you want to be in a year and the type of job you want to land. Once you've set that goal, break it down into short-term, quarterly and monthly goals.

Next, determine the steps you have to take to get to your first set of short-term goals. Set up daily and weekly tasks that will help get you there. It might be to apply to a certain number of jobs per week or make x number of new networking connections, for example. Whatever your goals may be, small steps every day will help you achieve success.

Update Your Resume

If you're going to be looking for a new job in the new year, you want your resume to be as fresh as possible. Make sure it includes quantifiable data that shows the ways you added value to your employer. Those numbers should be verifiable - don't be tempted to exaggerate or make things up.

Also include some of your biggest wins over the last year, including exceptional performance reviews, raises or promotions; completed courses, certifications or credentials; successful projects, professional awards and recognition.

Close Your Gaps

Once you've set your goals and updated your resume, it's time to compare where you are today against where you want to go. Are there any skills you need to build before you are able to land your ideal job? If so, develop a plan to close that gap. It might mean taking a class, attending a seminar, taking on more responsibility at work, volunteering to lead projects or teams, etc.

Consider going for a formal certification to prove your new skills, if possible. Not only can this get you recognized in your company as someone who goes above and beyond, it can become a professional differentiator for you in the job market.

Work With a Professional Recruiter

If you're serious about finding a great job in 2020, a professional recruiter could be a fast-track ticket to your ideal job. Contact the expert recruiters at PrideStaff today to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West