Is It Time For a New Job?


Is It Time For a New Job?

What's the first thing that comes to mind when a friend asks you, "How's work?"

Be honest -- did you answer, "Awesome!"? Or did you have to think about it?

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell when your job isn't lighting up your life anymore. Dissatisfaction can sneak up on you in small ways that add up to the need for a big change. Here are a few ways to tell that it's time for a new job:

You're bored. The sight of your workspace makes you want to take a nap, and nothing on your schedule creates a single spark of interest.

Your job is a dead end. Your duties never change. There are no promotion opportunities. Nothing challenges you.

You hate Mondays. A little bit of disappointment when the weekend draws to an end is normal, but an icy ball of dread in your stomach on Sunday night is a sign that you need a job change.

You daydream about a new job. Do you frequently fantasize about quitting? Or imagine using your skills in a different role? If so, pay attention. You might be trying to tell yourself something important.

You complain about work. Voicing your thoughts can be the first step toward admitting you're unhappy with your job.

You're unmotivated. Do you arrive at work and not want to do a single thing? Is it a huge struggle to get through your work to-do list? It happens to all of us occasionally, but if lack of motivation has become your norm, then you might want to look for work that excites you.

You feel sick. Unhappiness -- at work or anywhere else -- can affect your health. Have your sleeping habits changed? Are you getting more colds than usual? Are you overeating or not eating enough? Are you more irritable than usual? If so, ask yourself if your job might be the source of your changes.

A big job change is hard, especially during times of uncertainty. However, being miserable at work can significantly impact your health, your career development, and your personal life. Don't let uncertainty or inertia keep you in a job you don't love. Embrace good change and the positive effect it can have on your life.

Sound difficult? Don't worry! You don't have to do it alone.

PrideStaff wants to help you find a job that puts a smile on your face every day! Our dedicated recruiters will match your skills and interests with full-time, temporary, or temp-to-hire positions that can help grow your career. We'll kickstart your job hunt, review your resume, and help you crush your interviews. Let us help you find a great new job. Get started with PrideStaff today!

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PrideStaff - Miami West