The 5 Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes at Work--And How to Avoid Them
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes at Work--And How to Avoid Them

5 Tools to Help Get Employees Up and Out of Their DesksEveryone makes mistakes on the job. It happens. We're human! It's how you handle the mistake that counts. Instead of sitting around kicking yourself, figure out what you did wrong, and how not to do it again.

Now, there are the obvious mistakes that might get you fired. Like hitting "Reply All" on a response that's supposed to be confidential. Or spelling a client's name wrong more than once. But HR pros say they see employees make the following mistakes over and over again, and these are the ones that will really hold you back.

  1. Not Speaking Up for Yourself. You work hard, but you don't get praised, promoted or rewarded. Why? You can't assume people will notice you or what you accomplish. You need to learn how to blow your own horn. Obviously, nobody loves a braggart, but are you finding opportunities to share stories about the success you and your colleagues are having on your projects or assignments? Make sure you speak up on your own behalf, at least once in awhile.

  2. Falling Down the Black Hole of Email. We've been conditioned to believe that every email needs to be answered. It's almost like people think they're breaking some kind of rule if they ignore anything in their inbox. Look at it this way: Nobody gets promoted because they're great at reading or sending email. Send and answer fewer emails, and spend that time instead walking down the hall or picking up the phone. Face-to-face and voice-to-voice connections allow you to build and maintain trust--and both are crucial to success at work.

  3. Thinking That Your Employer is Human. No, it's not that your manager is a droid. While your company is managed by human beings, the company itself is a separate entity--which runs by a different set of rules than the people who manage it. So even though people are taught that if we are loyal and hard-working, we'll get ahead, the company may not have the same mindset. Your employer can and will let you go, in many cases, for almost any reason. In other words, your organization may not always be as loyal to or considerate of you as you are to it. Make sure you put your career first! Keep your eye out for new opportunities within the organization, or beyond. This isn't to say that you shouldn't give 100 percent when you're on the job, but never forget that it can end at any time.

  4. Oversharing on the job. Sure, you spend about 50 percent of your waking hours at work and hopefully you have friends there. But be careful about what you share with your work friends. You never know what information can hurt you down the line if the wrong people hear about it, or someone misinterprets your meaning or intent. This includes information about your personal life, political views and your career plans as well as your thoughts and opinions on your job. Even if nothing you've said comes back to bite you, others may perceive you as too chatty--someone who spends more time talking than working--which can also hurt you professionally.

  5. Slacking off on professionalism. When people get a new job, they tend to be on their best behavior and focus on projecting a professional image. But after becoming more comfortable in the position and among colleagues, too many people let their standards slip. The most common mistakes employees make involve a lack of professionalism, such as wearing overly tight, dirty or otherwise inappropriate attire. Other unprofessional behaviors seen frequently include showing up late for meetings or appointments and not taking the time to proof important documents carefully.
The best thing about these mistakes is that, for the most part, they're easy to undo. What it really boils down to? Paying attention. To yourself and your accomplishments, to how you spend your time, to your colleagues and to your reputation.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West