How to Create a More Productive Workday


How to Create a More Productive Workday

There's no shortage of content relating to productivity, but it's not all practical for the average person. Many books, blogs and Ted Talks are created by those with complete control of their schedules and the ability to delegate their obligations. But there are helpful, actionable tips that can make your day more productive, allowing you to get more done with a little less stress.

Prioritized To-Do List

Every workday, you will have tasks and duties driven by your manager's requirements and your own priorities related to hobbies, professional development, or the welfare of your team. When you start your day, write down your must-dos for the day. Analyze which items are of the highest priority using a tool such as the Eisenhower Decision Matrix that divides priorities into urgent and important, urgent and not important, important but not urgent and neither important nor urgent. You can use these categories to plan your day. For example, the items your manager expects you to complete by the end of the day are both urgent and important, while reading a book on personal development is important but may not be urgent.

Time Management

Once you understand your priorities, you can create a plan for the day. Put the highest priorities on your calendar first, reserving the times of day when you are at your best for the most critical work. Ideally, block the time out on your calendar to clearly see how much time remains for your other tasks. Important, but not urgent can be the most challenging items to find space for on your calendar. Without a deadline, items can be pushed back indefinitely. Professional development is essential to your career path, but it can be challenging to make time when your only obligation is to yourself. Creating milestones and deadlines first can keep you on track toward your goals.

Open Communication

When you work as part of a team, coordinating priorities and managing mutual calendars is essential for a productive workplace. Talk to your manager if you have any doubles about the most pressing priorities. Communicate with your team members to ensure all your bases are covered, and tasks are completed on time.

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