Be Proactive and Increase Your Odds Of Getting a Job


Be Proactive and Increase Your Odds Of Getting a Job


Be Proactive And Increase Your Odds Of Getting A JobWe all have 168 hours in a week. When you're looking for a job, how you manage these hours will help determine your success. The following tips will help you think beyond just uploading resumes so you'll work smarter and increase your odds of getting interviews and job offers:

Follow-up: The Key Ingredient

In theory, the perfect emails you send cold or as a result of phone calls will receive a response rate of 100 percent. Unfortunately, there is no perfect letter, email, or call in this less-than-perfect world. If you sit waiting for the world to beat a path to your door, you may wait a long time.

An IT executive of my acquaintance once advertised for an analyst. By Wednesday of the following week, he had over 100 responses. Ten days later, he was still plowing through them when he received a follow-up call (the only one he received) from one of the respondents. The job hunter was in the office that afternoon, returned the following morning, and was hired before lunchtime.

What's the takeaway? The candidate's resume was still sitting in the database, waiting to be discovered. The follow-up phone call got it discovered. The IT executive just wanted to get on with his work, and the job hunter in question made it possible by putting himself on the employer's radar. Follow-up calls do work.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West