Automatic Resume Disqualification


Automatic Resume Disqualification


Automatic Resume Disqualification

Though your resume is just one or two pages long, it is one of the most important documents you'll ever create. A great resume can lead to a great new job; a bad resume can lead straight to the "circular file." Hiring managers do not have the luxury of giving every resume a close read. In fact, most take mere seconds to decide whether to disqualify your resume or give it a closer read. So, just what can make a hiring manager throw your resume in the trash upon first sight? Read on to discover the major mistakes you need to avoid at all costs.

Simple Spelling Errors

Whether or not a job requires you to communicate in writing, hiring managers will toss out resumes that are riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. Failing to proofread sends the message you lack attention to detail -- a trait that is important for any job. Use your computer's spell check and have at least two other people review your resume before sending it in.

Unexplained Gaps in Work History

Hiring managers understand that people take time away from work for a host of reasons, and gaps will not automatically disqualify you. Unless, of course, there are multiple, lengthy gaps that are left unexplained. Address gaps in your cover letter so the hiring manager can understand you took time away for a legitimate reason like education, raising a family, caring for a sick loved one, etc.

Bad Formatting

Your job is to make your resume simple for the hiring manager to scan. You can achieve this by using clear fonts, bulleted lists, well-organized sections and concise sentence structure. If they have to read paragraphs of information, they will give up.

Failing to Meet Minimum Requirements

Always review the requirements listed in the job description and make sure you are a close match. Hiring managers know that not everyone will meet every requirement, so don't be deterred if you're missing one skill or the job calls for ten years of experience and you only have eight. However, if you are missing several skills or if you only have two years of experience rather than ten, you're wasting your time and the hiring manager's time by applying.

You Didn't Follow Directions

Before clicking "send," make sure you are not applying past a stated deadline and you have included all the information that job posting called for. This can include a cover letter, salary requirements, examples of work, references and more. Employers ask for those things because they want them, but they also ask for those things to weed out the people who do not follow directions. If, for some reason, you are unable to include required information, address the reason in your cover letter.

Looking for a Great New Job?

If you are looking for a job but your search has stalled or you need advice, contact the recruiters at PridesStaff today.

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PrideStaff - Miami West