3 Ways To Impress Your Next Interviewer


3 Ways To Impress Your Next Interviewer

After weeks or possibly even months of job searching, landing an interview is a thrill. But interviews are high-pressure situations that can cause anxiety in even the coolest of candidates. If you are feeling nervous about your next interview, use these tips to impress the hiring manager and rise to the top.

Communicate Your Accomplishments

You will likely talk about your previous job responsibilities, but remember, you are here to sell yourself as the ideal candidate for the job, so make sure to communicate your accomplishments during the interview.

Choose accomplishments that are related to the job you are applying for. Share things that you are passionate about, proud of and shine a spotlight on your best skills.

Illustrate Your Value

Similarly, you want to make sure you are painting a picture for the interviewer that you will not only do the job well, but you will add value to the team. How do you do that? By thinking about the times when you have added value in the past.

Do you consistently go beyond what is expected of you? Have you ever implemented a project, process or initiative that helped improve the team or company you worked for? Did your work have a direct impact on the bottom line?

If possible, and if it's related to the job, use actual numbers to show value. For example, if you implemented a new system that saved the administrative team 30 hours a month, talk about that. Numbers are always impressive and they help support your case.

Ask Great Questions

Many candidates ask the same types of questions during interviews. But you can shine by asking questions that are directly related to the role. Not only does this show the hiring manager you've really thought about the job and are truly interested in it, but it also allows you to get more information so you can make an informed decision if you get an offer.

Consider asking questions like these:

  • What are the goals for the person filling this role in the first 30 days? 60 days? 90 days?
  • What types of people succeed here?
  • What types of people do not succeed here?
  • What is the management style of the supervisor of this role?
  • What are the opportunities for growth and development?

And finally, don't be afraid to ask, "Based on our conversation, do you have any reservations about my skills or experience?" This is a bold question but a good one because it lets you address any concerns the hiring manager may have. If you don't ask this question, you may never have a chance to clear up any misconceptions or fill in any blanks.

Are You Looking For A New Job?

Are you looking for a great new job? The recruiters at PrideStaff can help. Our team will give you interview tips, and we will match you with opportunities where you will shine. Contact PrideStaff to learn more.

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PrideStaff - Miami West