How to Stand Out From the Workplace Crowd


How to Stand Out From the Workplace Crowd


How to Stand Out From the Workplace Crowd

Standout employees are recognized, rewarded and respected by leaders. The truth is, you don't have to be the most extroverted or most talented person on your team in order to get noticed for the right reasons. Small, consistent actions can help you stand out and build a reputation as an achiever whether you work on a team of 5 or 50 people.

Become Known for Rocking Something Specific

Whether it's a specific task, a specific skill or simply being a person who turns in complete and accurate work before deadlines, get known for doing something specific and doing it well. If you pick a mission and excel at it, the right people will notice.

Regularly Volunteer for New Projects

It's easy to say yes when asked if you want to take on something new, but volunteering before you are asked shows initiative. When a new project is on the horizon, volunteer to be a part of it. You won't always be assigned new work, but your boss will remember you are always one of the first people to step forward.

Create a Beneficial Side Project

It is expected that you will excel at your assigned tasks, but if you want to stand out, create a worthwhile side project that does not interfere with getting your regular work done. For example, maybe your team could benefit from a wiki or a file on the server that outlines specific processes and practices. Come in early or stay a half-hour late each day to work on it, or if permissible, work on it from home. Projects like these benefit the company and make you stand out as someone who goes the extra mile for the company.

Be Open to Feedback

No one does things perfectly 100 percent of the time, but many people let their egos get in the way when they are handed constructive feedback. Feedback is designed to help you improve and grow, not tear you down. Become known as someone who listens to, accepts, and then acts on feedback and you will quickly stand out from your peers.

Work Harder Than Anyone Else

There will always be people who are smarter or more naturally talented than you and there isn't too much you can do about that. What you can do, however, is work harder than anyone else on your team. You have complete control over how you choose to spend your time, the attention to detail you give your work, and your reputation as someone who is always willing to step up. Work ethic, consistency and reliability can often trump natural ability when it comes time to assign tasks, take on new initiatives or promote from within.

If you are looking for more tips on standing out and making yourself an invaluable employee, talk to the recruiters at PrideStaff today!

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PrideStaff - Miami West