Don't Let the Holiday Season Derail Your Productivity


How Has COVID-19 Changed the Way We Find Work

The end of the year is a busy and stressful time, which makes it easy to fall behind at work. With so many demands on your time and attention, overwhelm can develop quickly as your to-do list seems to grow and your time each day seems to shrink. Use these tips to stay focused and productive, no matter what the holiday season throws at you.

Don't Procrastinate

The holidays happen at the same time every year, so you have plenty of time to plan. Don't wait until the last minute to shop and try to get ahead on major projects at work. That way, when you're busy later in December, you'll have fewer to-do items hanging over your head.

Take Time Off

If you have vacation days available, use them (especially if they do not roll over). Take the time to shop, cook or simply enjoy time at home with your loved ones. This will help you return to work refreshed and less stressed.

Try To Avoid Multitasking

Try to avoid working on personal and work-related tasks at the same time. Shopping online while listening in on a conference call could spell disaster. Also, don't try to cram in shopping during your lunch break. At work, focus on work, and when you are home, focus on personal to-dos.

Take Care Of Yourself

As busy as you are, don't neglect exercise during the holidays, even if it's just a walk around the block at lunch. Try to sleep more, not less and watch what you eat and drink. Too many sugary foods or overindulging in alcoholic drinks will impact you the next day at work.

Don't Overcommit

Much of the overwhelm we feel during the holidays is due to our own inability to say no. You don't have to participate in every single activity you are invited to this time of year. Maintaining a good work-life balance sometimes means saying no.

Stay In The Present

Don't put extra pressure on yourself just because it's the holiday season. Focus on what you can do right now, and don't stress yourself out by fixating on what's coming down the pike. Make a to-do list each day and follow it. When your list is done, relax and have fun. Remember, the holidays are a time for celebration.

Find A Better Job

Even with good planning and preparation, it can be hard to be productive at work during the holidays if you don't like your job. If you are ready to find a great job in the new year, a professional recruiter can help you make a change quickly. Contact the expert recruiters at PrideStaff today to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

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PrideStaff - Miami West