Your 2018 Resume Makeover Guide


Your 2018 Resume Makeover Guide


Your 2018 Resume Makeover Guide

New year, new you! We often focus on bettering ourselves personally at the turn of a calendar year, but it's also a great time to "remake" yourself professionally. Here are 10 tips to make over your resume to meet hiring managers' standards for 2018.

One: Tailor Each Resume

A one-size-fits-all resume will almost always end up in the "circular file." Study job postings closely and highlight skills and accomplishments that show you're the best candidate for that role.

Two: Ditch the Tasks

Most job seekers list tasks on their resumes. Hiring managers don't care about your tasks, they care about the value you add. "Updated departmental files" has less impact than, "converted paper file system to electronic system, making files accessible online."

Three: Quantify Achievements

It's not enough to say you "developed a process that improved accuracy." Make a real impact by using verifiable numbers. Instead, say, "Created a reporting process that reduced accounting errors by 30 percent."

Four: Ban Buzzwords

The job description may include terms like "self-starter" or "team player," but don't take up valuable space on a resume with vague buzzwords. Choose accomplishments strategically to illustrate these concepts to show, rather than tell.

Five: Trim the Fat

If you've been in the workforce for many years, you probably have a long resume. It's perfectly acceptable to cut out outdated and irrelevant experience. This saves hiring managers time and paints a clearer picture of your fitness for the role.

Six: Incorporate Keywords

Many companies use automated software to score resumes before a human sees them. Make sure to incorporate keywords from the job posting on page one of your resume to pass the screener.

Seven: Use Action Verbs

Don't say things like, "responsible for" or "tasked with." Use action verbs like, "resolved user issues for IT help desk serving over 10,000 customers."

Eight: Keep It Clean

It's acceptable to include some design elements, but make sure your resume utilizes clear, professional fonts and is not so visually "busy" it takes away from the content.

Nine: Link to LinkedIn

Hiring managers will browse your LinkedIn profile if they are interested in calling you. Make it easy for them by providing a link to your personalized URL in your contact information.

Ten: Proof, Proof, Proof

This tip should be obvious, but many people skip it. Your resume must be free from spelling and grammar errors or it implies you lack attention to detail. Proofread it several times and have at least two other people read it over, as well.

Bonus Tip: Reach Out to a Recruiter

Building a strong resume isn't easy. If you're looking for advice and help landing a great job this year, reach out to the recruiters at PrideStaff today!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West