Yes, You Can Feel Happier At Work!


Yes, You Can Feel Happier At Work!

There's a reason it's easier to think of things to hate about your job than it is to find something you love. Humans have a hard-wired negativity bias that makes us register negative stimuli more readily than positive stimuli.

Once upon a time, paying attention to harmful, dangerous, and threatening things helped us survive. But our genetic predisposition toward negativity isn't always an advantage-especially when it comes to working.

Do you find yourself dwelling on the one thing that went wrong during the workday instead of all the things that went right? Improve your mood-and boost your productivity-by intentionally shifting your mindset toward positivity.

Consider these tips to help you boost your mood at work:

Begin the day on a great note. Spend a few minutes before work doing something you love. Listen to your favorite songs, go for a walk, spend time with a pet, read a book, or do anything that makes you feel great. Studies show those who begin their day in a good mood carry it to work with them.

Choose a work-related positive affirmation. Identify something you do well at work-or something you'd like to learn how to do better-and turn it into a statement. Repeat that statement ten times daily to help stay focused on your strengths and the good you'd like to bring into your work life.

Learn to accept a compliment. Do you downplay your accomplishments when your boss or colleagues compliment your work? If so-why? Instead, simply say thank you. Recognizing your worth will give you an inner boost.

Show gratitude. Think of something you appreciate about your job or something good that happened during the workday and write it down. Focusing on gratitude can help you feel more optimistic and better able to shake off work woes.

Find a career advocate. If shifting your mindset doesn't boost your mood at work, you might want to explore other job options. Your local PrideStaff recruiter will talk to you about your previous work experiences and help you land a job that makes you happier.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West