It's Not You. It's The Job.


It's Not You. It's The Job.


It's Not You. It's The Job.

It is normal to go through stressful periods at work. No matter what field you work in, you likely have experienced ups and downs. But what happens when that stress doesn't ever let up? If workplace headaches have morphed into feelings of sheer dread or exhaustion, you could be experiencing burnout.

Five Signs You Are Burned Out

There is a difference between burnout and just hitting a rough patch at work. How do you know the difference? Burnout is typically a prolonged period of time where you experience several of the following signs:

  1. Apathy: Utter lack of interest or enthusiasm about what you are doing is a sign you are burned out. This is especially clear if you experience a major win and it doesn't give you a rush of excitement. If that apathy carries over into your personal life, take it as a major red flag.

  2. Laziness: Apathy often leads to laziness on the job. Where you once busted your hump, you now do the absolute bare minimum required to skate by -- and sometimes, you may even do less than the minimum.

  3. Performance issues: Apathy and laziness will lead to quality and performance issues. If people are coming to you with mistakes, if you're missing deadlines or if your boss has had to speak to you about the quality of your output, burnout could be the problem.

  4. Exhaustion: Physical fatigue is a common-cited indicator of burnout. People who are overworked lack physical energy and also feel emotionally drained. If getting out of bed is becoming increasingly challenging, you're likely in burnout territory.

  5. Physical illness: Stress and burnout, if left unchecked, can lead to physical ailments including insomnia, headaches, increased susceptibility to viruses, stomach issues, heart palpitations and more.

What to Do If You Are Burned Out

If you are experiencing several -- or all -- of these common signs of burnout, it's important to take action. Not only is action important for your mental and physical health, it's important for your career. Poor performance due to burnout could ultimately lead to job loss.

Most people will say "take a few days off and recharge!" Vacations are nice, but they are just a Band-Aid. You're still coming back to a job where you are not thriving. Curing burnout usually means making a change. Unfortunately, it's difficult to change the culture of your office or the nature of your current job. If you're experiencing burnout, it might be time to look for a new job -- a job that will stimulate and challenge you without draining you mentally or physically.

Are You Ready for Something New?

If you are feeling burned out and you're ready to find a better job at a company with a supportive culture, the recruiters at PrideStaff can help. Contact our team today to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West