Four Tips for Finding a Job and a Soul Mate


Four Tips for Finding a Job and a Soul Mate

By: Debra Wheatman

Four Tips for Finding a Job and a Soul Mate

You can find almost anything on the Internet, including a job and a date. There are mega sites with a staggering amount of contenders, and then there are numerous niche sites specializing in precise segments or geographic areas. Most sites have simple navigation and various tools to search and analyze prospective jobs or sweethearts. Although the process of making the perfect connection has become more efficient, there are some things that have not changed over the years. Take a peek at our four top tips for finding a job and a soul mate online.

Be Genuine

Any relationship, professional or romantic that begins with a false front is headed for trouble. If you present yourself as the rugged outdoor type, how long can you suppress your love of a four-star hotel to rough it in a tent? The same goes with a job search. Sometimes candidates try to "game" their job search by presenting an image of what they think is the ideal candidate. Perhaps they try to second guess a personality test or they profess a passion for a certain field of study. Eventually, your true self will be revealed.

Share Information Selectively

When creating your online profile for a dating site or a career site, share information that is relevant, which also supports your image. For example, on a dating site profile, you don't need to share all of your past failed relationships. Let that information unfold after you have built a relationship and that history becomes relevant. On a career site, LinkedIn profile, or your resume, share information that supports your career goal. In most cases that will be recent history that demonstrates your ability to excel in your target job.

No Fibbing

Lying is wrong for many reasons. The truth usually comes to light at some point. Don't lie about professional experience or education as that can to lead to termination for lying on an application. In the dating world, lying will lead to heartbreak. If you have seen one Lifetime movie, you have seen them all. That secret past makes for good TV drama, but it is not good for finding and keeping a soul mate.

The Best Matches Are Made through Networking

In love and career, meeting through a trusted friend or associate is best. That "seal of approval" from a trusted source can open doors that never would be accessible through other means. The friend or business associate has a vested interest to help nudge the decision makers to consider you for the job or a date. Never underestimate the power of networking.

Whether you are trying to climb the corporate ladder, or you are hoping Cupid's arrow will strike the heart of your true love, there's an app to make the process easier. However, don't forget that the principles of real-world relationship building and job searching still apply.

Debra Wheatman, CPRW, CPCC is the founder and owner of Careers Done Write a professional branding and marketing company. Debra's company provides full-service career consulting and writing services to help clients stand out in a hyper-competitive environment to secure interviews and ultimately offers of full-time employment. She may be reached directly via her site at Follow Debra's social media Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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