7 Apps to Boost Your Workplace Productivity


7 Apps to Boost Your Workplace Productivity


7 Apps to Boost Your Workplace Productivity

It can be difficult to get things done in this age of hyper-connectivity, but apps can actually help you master the art of time management and get more done. If you're looking for ways to boost your personal productivity power, consider these apps.

One: Google Docs

Save yourself and your co-workers from doing double work with Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. These apps allow teams to collaborate on documents in real time. Work is automatically saved every time a change is made, and changes are tracked so you can see what each collaborator is doing. Because the system is cloud-based, work can be accessed any time, on any device.

Two: Focus Booster

This time management app uses the "Pomodoro technique" where you set a timer and focus in on work for 25 minutes, with five-minute breaks in between. This technique helps you focus in on a task, avoid distractions and do more in less time. The Focus Booster app also generates reports that show you how you spend your time.

Three: Password Manager

It's important to have unique passwords for every website and app you use, but keeping track of them can be a nightmare. If you waste time trying to retrieve passwords or if you regularly lock yourself out of systems, Universal Password Manager can help. It keeps track of your usernames and passwords in a secure, encrypted site and the app can be synced across all devices.

Four: Forest

Another time management app, Forest plants a "virtual tree" when you begin a task. You set your phone down and begin your work for a set period of time. If you pick the phone up and do something before time is up, the tree "dies." The more you stay focused and the more you get done, the bigger the tree will grow.

Five: Office Lens

Convert paper or whiteboard notes into readable, editable digital images quickly. The Office Lens app works seamlessly with PowerPoint, so you can import notes into a presentation seamlessly.

Six: Evernote

Have you ever found a source for a project online and forgotten to bookmark it, only to struggle to find it later? Evernote lets you clip web pages and articles and organize them based on keywords you choose, so you can access them later, from any device.

Seven: Siteblock

If you know that you have a bad habit of checking the news or your social media feeds, no matter how much work you have to do, Siteblock can help. This browser extension lets you block specific websites for set periods of time throughout the day.

If you are looking for more productivity tips, or if you're looking for a job in an environment that is more productive than where you are today, contact a PrideStaff recruiter today.

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