Stop That Mid-Year Burnout From Happening!


Stop That Mid-Year Burnout From Happening!

Why are we so burned out at the time of year we'd expect to relax? It's summer! The time of year to get outdoors and enjoy barbeques, a day at the beach or boating on the lake. Those with children may get a break from helping with homework or carting them to afterschool activities. Your life couldn't be more chill, right?

Not quite.

Somebody has to plan all those extra events or find time to attend them. Without school and activities, how will you keep your kids safe and busy? While you juggle all this in your mind, work hasn't let up.

Someone has to pick up the slack for vacationing co-workers. Many businesses are no less demanding in the summer and may even be busier! While they're getting revitalized, you're working a job and a half. If you're a manager, you're struggling to keep your team motivated when they'd rather be on the beach or floating in the pool.

The question remains, is this a normal amount of seasonal stress or are you heading for a crash?

What Are The Symptoms Of Mid-Year Burnout?

  • You feel exhausted or mildly ill all the time.
  • You lose interest in activities you normally enjoy.
  • You are uncharacteristically negative or cynical.
  • Weekends don't recharge you anymore.
  • Your work performance is suffering.
  • You are irritable or short-tempered.

Keep in mind, some of these symptoms overlap with anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions. If symptoms persist, talk to a professional about how you're feeling.

What is the Impact of Burnout?

  • Lowered immunity - you may get sick more often or become more severely ill.
  • Sleep issues - both insomnia and excess sleeping can be caused by burnout.
  • Weight changes - losing or gaining an unusual amount of weight could be a problem.

What Can You Do To Prevent Or Relieve Mid-Year Burnout?

Pay attention to your health. Drink plenty of water and enjoy fresh summer fresh fruits and vegetables. Get some exercise - outdoors is ideal. Just take a walk. Sometimes, just say no. You can't go to every event or take on all the projects.

Prioritize self-care. When you mention "self-care" people may picture a woman in a spa with cucumbers in her eyes. Sure, that's one way to do it. Self-care can also be playing basketball, walking the dog in a nice neighborhood, or taking the scenic route home. Self-care can be anything you enjoy that recharges you and is not an obligation.

Take time off. If you have paid vacation time, it's part of your compensation. Why leave money on the table? If you make $15 per hour and get two weeks of vacation, that's $1,200! If your boss handed you a check for $1,200 dollars, would you say, "Oh, no thank you?" Or "That's too much $400 is plenty?" Most people won't. Take the time you're entitled to and don't forget to unplug so you can rest and recharge.

Get out of Dodge. If your job is contributing to your burnout, talk to your manager. Be specific about what you need. Do you need help prioritizing your tasks, additional training or time off? Let them know! If they are dismissive, it may be time to find a new job.

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Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West