Tired Of Working From Home? Remote Fatigue Is Real


Tired Of Working From Home? Remote Fatigue Is Real


Tired Of Working From Home? Remote Fatigue Is Real

In the year 2019 BC (Before COVID), millions of employees idealized the idea of working from home. Rolling out of bed, opening your laptop and working in your sweatpants without co-workers interrupting seemed glorious. Today, those same employees have come to realize that working remotely isn't always a walk in the park. After months of working from home, remote fatigue has set in. If you are feeling burned out, use these tips to stay focused and energized.

Do Your Best To Create Separation

When you go to work in an office, it's easier to separate work life from home life. When home is your office, it can feel impossible to create that separation.

Set up a dedicated space designated only for work. Transition yourself to mentally shift gears in the morning by getting dressed and "going to work" in your designated space. After work, create the illusion of a commute home by taking a quick walk around the block to get out of work mode.

Get Off Of Zoom

If you don't need to have a video meeting, don't. When a voice call will suffice, go old-school and set up a simple conference call. Staring at a screen is mentally taxing and unless you need to screen share or you are meeting with someone new for the first time, give yourself a break from staring awkwardly at colleagues on video.

If you can't avoid video chat, take a break immediately after each meeting. Get up and walk around or go outside if possible, to give your eyes and brain a rest.

Embrace Flexibility

Some people work best by sticking to a nine-to-five schedule, but others are more productive at different times of the day. If your job allows you the flexibility to work at any time, take advantage. Do your work when you feel most productive. Just try to set a schedule and stick to it.

Take a Lunch Break

Create some space in your day by taking an actual lunch break. Put your work down, go to the kitchen and fix a meal, sit down and enjoy it. Give yourself at least 30 minutes away from your computer. Talk to your family or housemates, relax or take a quick walk around your neighborhood. When you return to your desk, you'll feel renewed and ready to refocus for the afternoon.

Assess Your Situation

If you take steps to ease your remote fatigue and it's not helping, the problem could be your workload or lack of support from your employer. If you don't feel supported or if you are truly overloaded, you will continue to feel burned out no matter how proactive you are.

If you are unhappy, unfulfilled or stagnant at your current job, partner with the recruiters of PrideStaff. Contact us today to learn more about the ways we can help you achieve your goals.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - Miami West